Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Education, Bachelor of Science in Education
Ohio’s communities and K-12 schools are dynamic places where more than 90 languages are used every day. Developing multilingual teachers and classroom communities that foster academic learning as well as English-language proficiency are some of the goals of Ohio State’s TESOL BSEd program. We prepare you for the dual role of language educator and advocate for multilingual students and their families. This Bachelor of Education program leads to a baccalaureate degree and to Ohio's K-12 multi-age teaching license in TESOL.
Program Features
An Ohio State community of professional English-language teachers with local, state, national, and international teaching experiences.
Field experiences in grades K-12 in English as a second language (ESL) settings: Opportunities to learn from and with multilingual students and ESL teachers at elementary, middle, and high schools.
Classroom teaching: Based on functional, multilingual, student-centered and interactive approaches to language learning.
Student teaching placement: A year-long internship with an ESL mentor teacher to support multilingual students with academic content and language learning.
Advocacy and collaboration projects: Opportunities to support or develop initiatives with teachers, students, or their families; develop working relationships with fellow educators or organizations engaged in the school community.

Being a first-generation student I often needed and searched for support which I truly felt like I received from my program. The staff created an environment where my contributions and experiences were valued, which only increased my desire and confidence to engage in it. TESOL is a field in which I am always learning and maintaining a global perspective in the classroom through interacting with families and students. I am able to create a unique and safe space for a diverse group of students to better understand language learning and themselves within a community.
Student Opportunities

Helps unite current and future teachers and those interested in the field of education under the same principles and values of hard work, ethical practice and service.

Active on campus and in the community, this professional organization of undergraduate and graduate education students benefit from professional development workshops, a spring conference, legal services, money-saving benefits, legislation and lobbying, and networking.
Students are strongly encouraged to participate in university-sponsored education abroad with language learners. TESOL students demonstrate deeper understanding of the linguistic, cultural and pedagogical aspects of learning a new language while immersed in a non-English dominant setting.

Gain formal recognition for your global experiences while at Ohio State. Through globally themed coursework, education abroad and a culminating project, gain the skills to thrive in your career.
Career Paths
Degree Requirements
Licensure disclosure
Ohio State academic programs are designed to prepare students for licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure and certification at go.osu.edu/onground.
Get in touch with advising team.