Human Development and Family Science
Ohio State’s Human Development and Family Science program specializes in understanding human development and behavior in social environments, including intimate and family relationships as well as educational and community contexts. You’ll learn many different perspectives in human development from faculty who are productive scholars and valuable mentors.
Degrees and Programs

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Our faculty members have wide-ranging research interests that aim to understand and improve the health and well-being of children and families. They publish in top journals, receive research funding from national organizations and help students do the same.
Student Opportunities

Brings graduate students together monthly for focused topics and guest speakers, social events, community service and gatherings to encourage connection among students, faculty and staff.

A training facility outfitted with the latest observation equipment to prepare the next generation of couple and family therapists.
The college’s annual forum showcases the research efforts of graduate students and other researchers in the college.

Sponsored by the Council of Graduate Students, the university forum highlights exemplary and innovative research conducted by Ohio State graduate students.

Promotes physical activity as a vital sign of health. We encourage faculty, staff and students to work together to improve the health and well-being of the Ohio State campus community.
Program stories