Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching and Learning, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education
As a doctoral candidate in Ohio State’s STEM Education program, you will be immersed in research from the beginning to the end of your program – taking courses, working on funded projects and completing research apprenticeships with faculty members. You will be encouraged and supported in your scholarly endeavors including presenting and participating at national and international conferences and publishing in collaboration with faculty.
Students who began the T&L PhD program in AU25 or beyond will follow the curriculum of one of the five new specializations associated with the PhD redesign. This area of study only pertains to students who began in AU24 or before. If you are a student who started in AU24 or before and want to switch into one of the new specializations, please work with your faculty advisor to determine if this is appropriate for you.
Program Features
Grounded in cognitive development, learning, teaching and the social contexts in which they occur.
Learn research techniques and gain experiences that prepare you to pursue your own investigations in STEM education and complete courses in your chosen specialization.
Select courses in the departments of Teaching and Learning and Educational Studies, STEM content areas and supporting coursework such as statistics, psychology and educational technology.
STEM Education at Ohio State is committed to urban education, equity and diversity issues and high needs schools.
Career Paths
Funding Opportunities
Key to teaching, research and learning in the college, associateships provide students with professional experience and financial support.

These financial awards are made by Ohio State to students based on academic merit through a university-wide competition.

The college annually awards scholarships to its students to support their academic goals.
Degree Requirements
Master's degree
Program start
Autumn Semester
Deadline to apply
December 1
Pre-application conversations with faculty are encouraged.
Minimum Program hours
(up to 30 credit hours may transfer)