Current EHE Undergraduate Students
As a student in Education and Human Ecology, you have access to countless resources at Ohio State to maximize your success and reach your potential.
Popular Resources

Talk to an advisor about your courses, declaring a major, minors and get express advising.

Get dedicated career development advice and resources including resume and cover letter, internships, interview prep and job search.

Want to pursue a specific topic related to your degree? Or gain knowledge in your chosen career field? Undergraduate certificates are a great way to advance your skills and experiences.

See all of our faculty-led opportunities to travel abroad and expand your educational experiences.

The college annually awards scholarships to its students to support their academic goals.

Get answers to common advising questions, including declaring a major/minor, honors programs, transfer credits, and more.

Improve your academic success at Ohio State with courses, coaching and workshops that develop learning and motivation strategies.

Ready to graduate? Use this information to make sure everything is in order to get your diploma.
EHE’s Academic Affairs and the Advocates for Communities and Education Scholars maintains a food pantry that any Ohio State student may use, if needed.
Teacher Candidate Resources
A service-learning course to explore education as a career, and a requirement for all teacher license programs. Learn how to enroll.
Gain insight and experience in supervised professional settings at public and private K-12 schools as well as community agencies.
Policies, required documentation and placement procedures to engage in field experiences in local schools.
A background check is required prior to participating in a field placement at pre-kindergarten to 12th grade classrooms.
The tool used to maintain your electronic portfolio to collect, monitor and analyze progress in meeting requirements for licensure.
A list of tests needed for each educator license and the additional costs for initial licensure beyond tuition, fees and books.
After you complete your program, learn how to apply for your educator’s license.
A complete list of all of the accredited educator programs at Ohio State that require a license.
If you plan to teach in a state other than Ohio, review information on the types of educator certificates accepted by other states.