Education Minor
The education minor is designed to provide foundational knowledge about education within the larger social context and to offer a cross-disciplinary examination of the intersections of education, culture, and society.
Examine the legal, ethical, interpersonal and community issues that impact education across the life span of a learner.
Work closely with professionals as well as complete readings and tasks about current issues in education to provide students the opportunity to explore a career as an educator.
Examine the relationships between education and the social, political, philosophical and cultural contexts of the larger society.
Study the hereditary and environmental factors that influence individuals’ physical, cognitive, affective, social, and language development.
Career Paths
Students choosing to minor in education may wish to explore education as a possible career choice or they may be interested in studying current issues in the field as well as learning more about schools and schooling in today’s society.
Minor Requirements
The academic program coordinator in the College of Education and Human Ecology must approve the Minor Program Form. The student must file the approved form with a college or school counselor.
Minimum credit hours
At least 6 credits must be at the 3000-level or above
Minimum GPA
Grades required
C- or better