Mentored Teaching Experience (Individual) Sample Syllabus
Professor X
Department of Y
Course number YYY888
Autumn 2020
3 credit hours S/U
As this is a 3 credit-hour class, the expectation is that following section 3335-8-24 of the faculty rules, you will put in on average 9 hours of work per week.
The student and mentor will meet for at least one hour each week (Friday 1:30 – 2:30).
During this mentorship, we have agreed to engage in the following activities:
- I will observe your teaching, by visiting one or more class meetings in the course you are currently teaching and we will discuss my reactions.
- You will observe my teaching, by visiting one or more class meetings in the course I am currently teaching, and we will discuss your reactions.
- We will discuss student assessment options and issues and develop a plan to assess your students’ learning.
- You will develop sample syllabi for two classes you are likely to teach.
- We will review and discuss your teaching evaluations.
- I will read, discuss, and offer feedback on your teaching statement or portfolio (and help add new items).
- You will write a brief reflective essay on the mentoring process and your plans for future growth as a university teacher.
This mentored experience meets the requirements of the Graduate Certificate in College and University Teaching.
Mentored Teaching Experience (Group) Sample Syllabus
Professor X
Department of Y
Course number YYY888
Autumn 2020
3 credit hours S/U
As this is a 3 credit-hour class, the expectation is that following section 3335-8-24 of the faculty rules, students will put in on average 9 hours of work per week.
The students and mentor will meet as a group for one hour each week (Friday 1:30 – 2:30).
During this mentorship, we have agreed to engage in the following activities:
- I will observe your teaching, by visiting one class meeting in the course you are currently teaching and we will discuss my reactions. If you are not currently teaching, we will arrange for you to do a guest session.
- You will observe my teaching, by visiting one or more class meetings in the course I am currently teaching, and we will discuss your reactions.
- You will observe and be observed by your peers, by visiting one class meetings in each others courses or by leading a class session as a guest in your peer’s course.
- We will discuss student assessment options and issues and develop a plan to assess your students’ learning.
- You will develop sample syllabi for a class you are likely to teach and discuss these with fellow students.
- We will review and discuss your teaching evaluations.
- I will read, discuss, and offer feedback on your teaching statement or portfolio (and help add new items).
- You will write a brief reflective essay on the mentoring process and your plans for future growth as a university teacher.
This mentored experience meets the requirements of the Graduate Certificate in College and University Teaching.
Rev. 01/06 2020 AK