Mathematics Education

Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Autumn 2022
General Education Requirements (32-39 Hours)
Bookends (2 Hours)
- Launch Seminar (1)
- Reflection Seminar (1)
Foundations (22-25 Hours)
- Writing & Information Literacy (3)
- Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning or Data Analysis (3-5)
- Literary, Visual & Performing Arts (3)
- Historical & Cultural Studies (3)
- Natural Science (4-5)
- Social & Behavioral Sciences (3)
- Race, Ethnic & Gender Diversity (3)
Thematic Pathways (8-12 Hours)
Take 4-6 hours from Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World and 4-6 hours from another Thematic Pathway of choice.
- Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World (4-6)
- Choice of 4-6 hours from one additional Thematic Pathway:
- Lived Environments
- Origins & Evolution
- Migration, Mobility, & Immobility
- Sustainability
- Traditions, Cultures, & Transformations
- Health & Wellbeing
- Number, Nature, Mind
College Requirement (1 Hour)
- EHE 1100 College Survey (1)
Pre-Major Requirements (12 Hours)
- EDUCST 2189S First Education Experience Program (FEEP) (3)
- Choose one:
- ESPHE 3206 School and Society (can overlap with GE Race, Ethnicity, & Gender Diversity) (3)
- ESPHE 4280 History of Modern Education (3)
- ESEPSY 2309 Psychological Perspectives on Education (3)
- Choose one:
- HDFS 2420 Adolescence and Emerging Adult Development (3)
- ESEPSY 5401 Adolescent Learning and Development in School Contexts (3)
Content Requirements (41 Hours)
- MATH 1151 Calculus I (can overlap with GE Math & Quantitative Reasoning or Data Analysis) (5)
- MATH 1152 Calculus II (5)
- MATH 2153 Calculus III (4)
- MATH 2568 Linear Algebra (3)
- MATH 3345 Foundations of Higher Mathematics (3)
- MATH 4507 Geometry (3)
- MATH 4578 Discrete Mathematical Models (4)
- MATH 4580 Abstract Algebra I (3)
- MATH 4480 Algebra for Teaching (2)
- MATH 4547 Introductory Analysis I (3)
- MATH 4407 Geometry for Teaching (2)
- STAT 4201 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I (4)
Content Requirements also meet the requirements for the Math Minor
Major Requirements (35 Hours)
- EDUTL 5005 Equity, Diversity, and Justice in Education (can overlap with GE Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World) (3)
- EDUTL 5501 Inclusion: Philosophical, Social, and Practice Issues: General Student Body (3)
- EDUTL 5442 Teaching Reading Across the Curriculum (3)
- EDUTL 5711 Methods in Teaching STEM Secondary Mathematics I (3)
- EDUTL 5712 Methods in Teaching STEM Secondary Mathematics II (3)
- EDUTL 5744 Technologies Used in STEM (1.5)
- EDUTL 5745 Assessment in STEM I: Introduction (1.5)
- EDUTL 3189.07 Field Experience (1)
- EDUTL 4189.07 Advanced Field Experience: STEM Education (2)
- EDUTL 5195.07 Reflective Seminar: STEM Education (1+1+2)
- EDUTL 5191.07 Supervised Student Teaching Internship: STEM Education (10)
Successful completion of the Ohio Assessment for Educators examinations is required prior to student teaching.
To be recommended for state of Ohio teacher licensure, must maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA, 2.75 content GPA, and earn a B or higher grade in student teaching.
Total Hours: 114-128
Free Electives to reach 120 Hours: 0-6
Minimum of 120 credit hours required for degree completion. Total Hours range is based on requirement course choices and/or the number of credits that overlap between requirement areas. Students are encouraged to overlap as many credits as possible.