Special Education (EDUCST-MA, SPE)
Specialization Curriculum

Specialization leading to Master of Arts in Educational Studies
Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Summer 2023
Prerequisites (3 hours)
The following course, or its equivalents, is a pre-requisite for the program. See your advisor to discuss additional pre-requisites depending on specialization and scheduling. These hours do not apply to the total credit hours for the degree.
- ESSPED 5742 Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers (3) (For ABA concentration only)
- ESSPED 6650 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3) (overlaps with multicultural requirement)
Core Requirements (9 hours)
Foundations Requirement (3 hours)
- ESPHE 6250 History of Education (3)
- ESPHE 6410 Philosophy of Education (3)
- ESPHE 7572 History of Colleges and Universities (3)
Multicultural and Human Diversity Requirement (3 hours)
If an introductory special education course has already been taken, it does not need to be taken again. If it was taken as an undergraduate, students should select one of the other Multicultural and Human Diversity course options.
- ESEADM 6360 School and Community Relations and Politics (3)
- ESEPOL 5217 Comparative Perspective on Education, Globalization, and National Development (3)
- ESEPOL 8209 Cultural Processes in Education (3)
- ESHESA 7520 Diversity in Higher Education (3)
- ESSPED 6650 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3)
- ESSPSY 7028 Cultural Diversity (3)
- ESWDE 5672 Lifelong Learning in the Adult Years (3)
Research Requirement (3 hours)
- ESSPED 8861 Single Case Research Design (3)
Specialization Requirements (18–27 hours)
Students need to choose either Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration or General Special Education Studies
Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration (27 hours)
Required Courses (18 hours)
- ESSPED 8200 Basic Behavior Analysis (3)
- ESSPED 8300 Behavioral Assessment (3)
- ESSPED 8400 Behavioral Interventions in Special Education (4)
- ESSPED 8500 Personnel Management and Supervision (2)
- ESSPED 8832 Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
- ESSPED 8921 Ethical Issues in Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
Electives (choose one, 3 hours)
- ESSPED 5736 Methods of Instruction I for Students with Moderate/Intensive Disabilities (3)
- ESSPED 5737 Methods of Instruction II for Students with Moderate/Intensive Disabilities with Practicum (3)
- ESSPED 5738 Reading Instruction for Children with Disabilities or Severe Reading Deficits (3)
- ESSPED 5760 Educational Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (3)
- ESSPED 8891 Contemporary Issues in Special Education (3)
Planned Field Experience (6 hours)
- ESSPED 8189 Field Experience in Special Education (6)
General Special Education Studies (18 hours)
Required Courses (9 hours)
- ESSPED 5670 Cultural Diversity and Equity in Special Education Classroom and Settings (3)
- ESSPED 8891 Contemporary Issues in Special Education (3)
- ESSPED 8998 Research: Special Education (3)
Electives (9 hours)
Work with your Advisor to choose 9 additional credits. You may select from the following suggestions or choose other courses that align with your goals and interests.
- ESSPED 5282 Collaboration and School/Community Partnerships (1.5)
- ESSPED 5283 Collaborating with Diverse Families & Professionals (1.5)
- ESSPED 5769 Delivering Effective Services to Enhance the Inclusion of Students with Special Needs (3)
- ESSPED 5850 Fundamentals of Dyslexia Screening & Intervention (3)
Electives: Credits are in addition to Specialization Requirements
Students may select a licensure-only strand as part of the MA program. An initial licensure is needed for P-5 Elementary Intervention, Mild to Moderate, and Moderate to Intensive. No initial licensure is needed for Hearing Impairment (HI) because this is an initial licensure.
Thesis Option (minimum 3 hours)
- ESSPED 7999 Thesis Research: Special Education (3)
Non-Thesis Option (minimum 3 hours)
- ESSPED 8193 Advanced Individual Studies: Special Education (3)
Minimum hours: 30-39