Multi-Age (K-12) Licensure in Health Education

Department of Human Sciences
Licensure Curriculum
OSU Oval Seal

This program prepares teachers in the area of school health education across grades K-12. This is not a stand-alone credential. Health Education licensure candidates must either have, or be in the process, of acquiring a license in another teaching area. The curriculum for the health education program was selected by using the guidelines developed by the American Association for Health Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (AAHE/CAEP). The National Health Education Standards developed by the Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards were also utilized to develop the curriculum.

For more information contact:
Dr. Phillip Ward
PAES Building, A256
305 Annie & Joh Glenn Ave.

Course work (21 hours)

Classes for the health education license may be taken in any order, except the methods and field experience courses, which must be taken last and sequentially (KNPE 4743, then KNPE 4189.30).

Foundations of School Health (5 hours)

  • KNPE 2201 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (3)
  • KNSFHP 1103 Introduction to Health and Wellness in America Society (2)

Content Area (Choose a minimum of 11 credit hours)

  • HDFS 3440 Human Sexuality and Intersectionality Across the Lifespan (3)
  • HW 2102 Optimizing Personal Health, Happiness & Well-being (3)
  • HW 2110 Health Athlete (1)
  • HW 2210 Dimensions of Wellness and Resilience (3)
  • KNHES 2995 Food is Function, Movement is Medicine (4)
  • KNSFHP 1104 Stress Management for the College Student (3)
  • KNSFHP 2250 Cancer Prevention (2)
  • KNSFHP 3312 Issues in Alcohol/ Drug Use and Abuse (2)

Methods and Field Experiences (5 hours)

  • KNPE 4743 Teaching Health Education in Elementary, Middle and High Schools (3)
  • KNPE 4189.30 Practicum in K-12 Health Education (2)

Students must maintain a 2.75 GPA.

Upon completion of required coursework, but prior to the practicum students must pass the relevant state assessment(s). Please visit the Ohio Department of Education Educator Licensure Testing Requirements or connect with Dr. Phillip Ward.

If you are interested in pursuing a Health Education license from OSU, please contact the Advising Office in the College of Education and Human Ecology (614-292-9261) to meet with an Academic Advisor and ensure you meet the necessary requirements to begin. As a reminder, OSU does not offer the Health Education license as a stand-alone credential.

Minimum hours: 21

Program Degree Department Email
Licensure Human Sciences


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.