Family Resource Management (CONSCI-PhD)
Specialization Curriculum

Doctor of Philosophy in Consumer Sciences - Family Resource Management Specialization
Core Requirements (5 hours)
- CONSCI 6000 Introduction to Research in Consumer Sciences (3)
- CONSCI 7900 Graduate Seminar in Consumer Sciences (1) repeat to earn total 2 credits
Research Methods and Statistics (choose at least 5 courses, and at least 15 hours)
Common selections:
- ECON 6731, 6732, 8731, 8732, 8733, 8831, 8832 and 8833;
- STAT 6201, 6301, 6302, 6450, 6510, 6520, 6550, and 6560;
- AEDECON 7130, 7140;
- CONSCI 8280*
Major Courses (choose at least 5 courses and at least 15 credit hours including at least 3 courses from Group A)
- CONSCI 7230 Measurement & Analysis of the Economic Status of Consumer Units (3)
- CONSCI 7240 Theories and Models in Consumer Sciences II (3)
- CONSCI 8250 Normative Approaches to Consumer Sciences (3)
- CONSCI 8260 Behavioral Approaches to Consumer Sciences (3)
- CONSCI 8270 Managing Consumer Risk (3)
- CONSCI 8280* Advanced Quantitative Methods in Consumer Sciences (3)
- CONSCI 8890 Special Topic Seminar: Consumer Economics (3)
- CONSCI 8891 Special Topic Seminar: Family Finance (3)
- CONSCI 7991 Research Practicum in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 7992 Teaching Practicum in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 8193 Individual Studies in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
Supporting Courses
- ECON 6711 Survey of Microeconomics (4)
Select additional courses to develop one or more areas of emphasis in consultation with your Graduate Advisory Committee. Examples of areas of emphasis include household finance, policy analysis and management, behavioral decision-making, and health behaviors.
Depending on interest, students can pursue a graduate minor. See Common choices are Economics, Statistics, and Statistical Data Analysis.
Dissertation Research (minimum 6 hours)
- CONSCI 8999 Research for Dissertation
*Course may not double count as research methods/statistics and major courses.
Minimum hours: 50 credits beyond a master’s degree