Educational Policy (EDUCST-PH, EPS)

Specialization Curriculum
OSU Oval Seal

Specialization leading to Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies

Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Summer 2023

Program Requirements (15 hours)

Common Core (6 hours)

Core 1 Course (3 hours)

  • EDUCST 6891 Proseminar in Educational Studies (3)

Core 2 Course: Choose from one of the following courses (3 hours)

  • EDUCST 6892 Educational Policy and Inequality in Social and Cultural Context: Integrating Research Traditions (3)
  • EDUCST 7765 Grant Writing (3)
  • ESEPOL 7100 Writing for Educational Policy Audiences (3)
  • ESEPSY 7404 College Teaching (3)
  • ESEPSY 8404 Academic Writing in Education: Reviewing the Literature (3)
  • ESPHE 6403 Ethics and the Professional Context of Teaching (3)

Research Core (choose three, 9 hours)

Introductory Quantitative Sequence:

  • ESQREM 7648 GLM I: Introduction to Regression and ANOVA (Prerequisite: Intro to Stats) (4)
  • ESQREM 7658 GLM II: Advanced Regression and ANOVA (4)

Advanced Quantitative Options:

  • ESQREM 8648 Multivariate Analysis (3)
  • ESQREM 8658 Applied Multilevel Data Analysis (3)

Qualitative Options:

  • ESQUAL 8280 Qualitative Research in Education: Paradigms, Theories, and Exemplars (3)
  • ESQUAL 8290 Qualitative Research in Education: Methods and Analysis  (3)

Additional Courses:

  • ESEPOL 7225 Inquiry into Education Policy Research (3)
  • ESQUAL 7240 Life History & Interviewing Methods (3)
  • GEOG 5103 Intermediate Spatial Analysis (3)
  • POLITSC 7551 Quantitative Political Analysis: I (3)
  • SOCIOL 5649 Intro to Quantitative Research/Multiple Regression (3)
  • SOCIOL 6710 Design and Analysis of Sociological Research (3)

Specialized Sequence:
Students, in consultation with their advisors, may design their own methodology sequence.  This is particularly suited to humanistic scholarship in education (e.g., history or philopshy of education).  To complete a specialized sequence, students must take three methodology courses relevant to their research interest.  Specialized research plans are approved by the Graduate Studies Committee.

Specialization Requirements (30 hours)

Required Courses (15 hours)

  • ESEPOL 6000 Introduction to Educational Policy (3)
  • ESEPOL 7224 Educational Policy Analysis in Contemporary Culture (3)
  • ESEPOL 8352 Educational Policy in Democratic Society (3)
  • ESPHE 7222 History of Educational Policy (3)

Choose one of the following courses: (choose two courses if any of required courses were taken as part of Master’s degree)

  • ESLTECH 6223 Issues and Practices in Educational Technology (3)
  • ESPHE 8201 Social Foundations of Education (3)
  • ESPHE 8410 Ethics and Education: Equality, Freedom, and Justice in Schools (3)

Elective Requirements (choose 5 of these or other courses approved by faculty advisor) (15 hours)

  • ESEADM 8310 Educational Change (3)
  • ESEADM 8361 Social and Political Contexts of Education (3)
  • ESEPOL 5217 Comparative Education (3)
  • ESEPOL 7100 Writing for Educational Policy Audiences (3)
  • ESEPOL 8209 Cultural Processes in Education (3)
  • ESEPOL 8312 Governance and Control in American Education (3)
  • ESLTECH 6223 Issues and Practices in Educational Technology (3)
  • ESLTECH 7229 Technology, Society, and Education (3)
  • ESPHE 6410 Philosophy of Education (3)
  • ESPHE 8201 Social Foundations of Education (3)
  • ESPHE 8410 Ethics and Education: Equality, Freedom, and Justice in Schools (3)

Research Apprenticeship: (9 credit hours)

Under the supervision of faculty, students are required to take nine credit hours of work focused on the preparation of conference presentations and/or publications, or on intensive study relevant to the dissertation.

  • EDUCST 8191 Research Apprenticeship


Notification of Doctoral Candidacy Exam Form:

All students who successfully complete the doctoral candidacy examination will be required to be enrolled in every semester of their candidacy (summer session excluded) until graduation. Students must be enrolled for three credits per semester. While the Graduate School and the individual graduate programs will monitor the enrollment of all post-candidacy students, it ultimately will be the responsibility of each student to ensure that they are meeting the enrollment provisions of this policy. Continuous Enrollment Policy is located at Look at section 7.8.3 – 7.8.6.

Minimum Dissertation Credits: (minimum 6 credit hours)

  • EDUCST 8999 Dissertation Research

Graduation Review:

Application to Graduate:

Application for Final Exam: (submit so that there is enough time for your committee to complete their sign off no later than 2 weeks prior to Final Oral Exam.)

Doctoral Student Procedures – Final Semester:

PhD degree students must complete a minimum of 90 hours (post-baccalaureate) or 60 hours (post-masters) with a minimum of 24 of those 60 credit hours completed at Ohio State University.

Program Degree Department Email
Doctoral Educational Studies


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.