Workforce Development and Education
Specialization Curriculum

Specialization leading to Master of Arts in Educational Studies
Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Autumn 2024
Core Requirements (9-10 hours)
Foundations Requirement (3 hours)
- ESWDE 5624 Foundations of Workforce Development and Education (3)
Multicultural and Human Diversity Requirement (3 hours)
- ESWDE 5672 Lifelong Learning in the Adult Years (3) required for Career Technical Education, and Adult Education and Human Resource Development
- ESSPED 5651 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3) required for Business Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Research Requirement (choose one, 3-4 hours)
- ACEL 8855 Research Methods and Design (3)
- ESQREM 6625 Introduction to Educational Research (3)
- ESQREM 6641 Introduction to Educational Statistics (4)
- ESQUAL 7230 Qualitative Research for Educators (3)
Specialization Requirements (21-37 hours)
Select one concentration
Adult Education and Human Resource Development (21 hours)
- ESWDE 5701 Fundamentals of Teaching Adults Online (3)
- ESWDE 7701 Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of the Virtual Classroom (3)
- ESWDE 7727 Assuring Quality in Online Course Design: Moving from Face to Face to Online (3)
- ESWDE 7757 Aspects of Human Resource Development (3)
- ESWDE 8961 Comparative Workforce Development Policy (3)
- ELECTIVES Student will choose 6 graduate credit hours of additional coursework in conjunction with advisor. (6)
Business Education (37 hours)
The Business Education concentration of the MA degree requires the completion of respective content courses to meet requirements for teacher licensure.
- EDUTL 5442 Teaching Reading Across the Curriculum (3)
- ESWDE 5189.01 Career and Technical Education Field Experience I (2)
- ESWDE 5189.02 Career and Technical Education Field Experience II (2)
- ESWDE 5655 Coordination of Work-Based Learning for Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5665 Teaching Methods for Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5667 Curriculum/Instruction and Assessment in Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5672 Lifelong Learning in the Adult Years (3)
- ESWDE 5784 Student Teaching in Career and Technical Education (12)
- Choose 2 course:
- ESWDE 5622 Introduction to Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5623 Advanced Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5701 Fundamentals of Teaching Adults Online (3)
Family and Consumer Sciences Education (34 hours)
The Family and Consumer Sciences concentration of the MA degree requires the completion of respective content courses to meet requirements for teacher licensure.
- EDUTL 5442 Teaching Reading Across the Curriculum (3)
- ESWDE 5189.01 Career and Technical Education Field Experience I (2)
- ESWDE 5189.02 Career and Technical Education Field Experience II (2)
- ESWDE 5655 Coordination of Work-Based Learning for Career and Technical (3)
- ESWDE 5665 Teaching Methods for Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5667 Curriculum/Instruction and Assessment in Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5672 Lifelong Learning in the Adult Years (3)
- ESWDE 5784 Student Teaching in Career and Technical Education (12)
- Choose 1 course:
- ESWDE 5622 Introduction to Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5623 Advanced Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5701 Fundamentals of Teaching Adults Online (3)
Career and Technical Education (24 hours)
- ESWDE 5189.03 Career and Technical Education Clinical Field Experience I (2)
- ESWDE 5189.04 Career and Technical Education Clinical Field Experience II (2)
- ESWDE 5622 Introduction to Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3) -OR-
- ESWDE 5623 Advanced Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5655 Coordination of Work-Based Learning for Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5665 Teaching Methods for Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5667 Curriculum/Instruction and Assessment in Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5668 Career and Technical Education Capstone (1)
- ESWDE 5677 Career and Technical Education Teacher Clinic (4)
- Choose 1 course (if not taken above):
- EDUTL 5442 Teaching Reading Across the Curriculum (3)
- ESWDE 5622 Introduction to Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5623 Advanced Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5649S Teaching Adults in the Workplace (3)
- ESWDE 7757 Aspects of Human Resource Development (3)
Career and Technical Education (24 hours) (for individuals with prior teaching licenses)
Required Courses (3 hours)
- ESWDE 5193 Independent Studies: Workforce Development & Education (1)
- ESWDE 5656 Foundations of Career and Technical Education Teaching (2)
Additional Courses (21 hours)
Students will be advised to select from the following list, based on prior licenses, prior coursework, Ohio Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) requirements, and professional goals. First and foremost, courses selected will meet the requirement for an Ohio five-year professional license in career and technical education (priority courses). Secondary courses can be selected if students have additional hours to meet the credit hour requirement for the MA. Courses selected must total at least 21 hours to meet the 33 hour requirement for the master’s degree.
Priority courses for licensure
- EDUTL 5442 Teaching Reading Across the Curriculum (3)
- ESWDE 5189.03 Career and Technical Education Clinical Field Experience I (2)
- ESWDE 5189.04 Career and Technical Education Clinical Field Experience II (2)
- ESWDE 5622 Introduction to Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5623 Advanced Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers (3)
- ESWDE 5655 Coordination of Work-Based Learning for Career and Technical Education (3)
- ESWDE 5667 Curriculum/Instruction and Assessment in Career and Technical Education (3)
Secondary courses - Students can choose from courses in EHE, FAES or another college within the university, based on Ohio Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) requirements, additional licenses/endorsements desired, and professional goals to meet the remaining hour requirements (if any) .
Thesis or Non-Thesis Requirement (choose one, 0-3 hours)
Consult with faculty advisor
Thesis Option
- EDUCST 7999 Thesis Research: Educational Studies (minimum 3)
Non-thesis Options (choose one)
Students must register for a minimum of three hours during the semester they take the examination or the project.
- Master’s Examination
- Action Research Project
- Comprehensive Case Study
Minimum hours: 30- 46 non-thesis, 33-49 with thesis