About the Office of Advancement
We consider you—our alumni and friends, donors, government policymakers, media and the community—the focus of our work in the Office of Advancement at the College of Education and Human Ecology.
Increasingly in higher education, the responsibility for managing relationships with these key audiences and more falls to an advancement office that consists of:
- Alumni Affairs
- Development
Our goal is to align and coordinate our work in these three areas to foster positive relationships with students, alumni, and other key audiences.
We want to provide multiple opportunities for you to engage with us so that together, we generate greater support for the mission of the College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE).
Everyone in the Office of Advancement shares one important characteristic: We care first and foremost about you and earning your support and involvement, whether it’s as a volunteer in the community, a participant on an alumni committee or as a donor. We want to match your interest with a satisfying opportunity.
Making a difference through giving
As costs associated with higher education climb and support from public sources declines, private support is increasingly critical to realize the goals of the college, its students and faculty.
We work to align your personal gift interests to the needs within the college. You can make a difference in the daily lives of students, faculty researchers or community members who benefit from EHE programs.
If you are interested in making a gift to enhance the quality of the student experience, provide scholarship assistance, fund life-changing research, enhance the modern learning environment and recognize outstanding students, please discuss your interests with us:

Senior Director of Development

Event Manager

Senior Director of Alumni Engagement and Stewardship

Administrative Associate

Director of Donor Relations

Program Coordinator – Special Events

Senior Director of Development