Adrian Rodgers named Fulbright Specialist; 17 Fulbright Fellows study for grad degrees
Adrian Rodgers named Fulbright Specialist; new international grad students arrive
A record number of Fulbright Fellows from countries around the world have chosen to study with the College of Education and Human Ecology this year. Six are returning to continue their degree programs. Eleven represent new arrivals into their programs. All are working toward advanced degrees and received Fulbright funding for their endeavors.
Adding to the college’s emphasis on internationalization, Adrian Rodgers, associate professor of teaching and learning at the Newark Regional Campus, received a Fulbright Specialist Award to work with an Indonesian alumna of the college to improve educator preparation in that country.
His award boosts the college’s Fulbright faculty awards to a record five, the highest among Ohio State colleges in this grant cycle.
“This is the highest number of Fulbright Fellows for the college on record, as well as the highest number in any college for FY 2021-2022,” said Joanna Kukielka-Blaser, director of the Fulbright program in the Office of International Affairs at Ohio State. “This makes for a very impressive Fulbright record for both your faculty with five scholars, and for international Fulbright students.”
Adrian Rodgers
Associate Professor
Department of Teaching and Learning - Newark Regional Campus
Rodgers received a Fulbright Specialist Award to work with alumna Windhariyati ‘Winda’ Dyah Kusumawanti, ’15 MA Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood Education, who is a lecturer at the State Islamic Religious Institute of Purwokerto.
Rodgers served as Kusumawanti’s thesis advisor when she was part of the college’s and Indonesia’s Dual Degree Program. She earned a master’s degree from both Ohio State and the Universitas Negeri Semarang in Semarang, Indonesia.
Rodgers’ project title is “A Vision of Education in a Disruptive Era: Curricular and Pedagogical Reform in Undergraduate Courses.” He will teach the education faculty how to redesign their teacher licensure program using the educational concept of backward design.
“This means that instead of first deciding what to teach, the educator decides what outcomes are wanted and then how to get there,” Rodgers said. He has used this process successfully with the college’s MEd students to teach them how to design unit plans.
Rodgers works with Kusmawanti remotely on this project, which will culminate when he travels to Purwokerto in Central Java, Indonesia, for a month in June 2022.
New Fulbright Fellows
Ni Komang Darmini
From: Indonesia
Studying for: MA in Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood
Research interest: Interested in learning about picture books in the United States. I wonder about the factors and systems that foster the creation of high-quality books here.
Advisor: Associate Professor Christine Warner, Department of Teaching and Learning, Newark Regional Campus
Emma H. Cahyani
From: Indonesia
Studying for: MA in Teaching and Learning with a specialization in Multilingual Language Education
Research Interest: Curriculum and instruction, language education
Advisor: Associate Professor Peter Sayer, Department of Teaching and Learning
Angga Hidayat
From: Indonesia
Studying for: PhD in Mathematics Education
Research interest: Mobile learning in mathematics classrooms and digital mathematics storytelling
Advisor: Associate Professor Theodore Chao, Department of Teaching and Learning
Irenee Niyongombwa
From: Rwanda
Studying for: MA in Educational Studies with a specialization in Biomedical Education
Research interest: The use of simulation in medical education in low-income countries
Advisor: Associate Professor David Stein, Department of Educational Studies
Onur Özkaynak
From: Turkey
Studying for: PhD in Foreign, Second and Multilingual Language Education
Research interest: Language teacher education, translanguaging, bilingual education, sociocultural approaches to language learning
Advisor: Associate Professor Peter Sayer, Department of Teaching and Learning
Lanoke I. Paradita
From: Indonesia
Studying for: PhD in Language, Education and Society
Research interest: Extensive reading in classroom practice and literacy
Advisors: Associate Professor Francis Troyan, Department of Teaching and Learning, and Assistant Professor Julia Hagge, Department of Teaching and Learning – Marion Regional Campus
Brenda D. Rojas Amarilla
From: Paraguay
Studying for: MA in Educational Policy
Research interest: Educational equity in a democratic society
Advisor: Associate Professor Antoinette Errante, Department of Educational Studies
Sidrah Afriani Rachman
From: Indonesia
Studying for: PhD in Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood program
Research interest: Reading comprehension and preservice teacher education
Advisor: Associate Professor Adrian Rodgers, Department of Teaching and Learning – Newark Regional Campus
Alejandra Sierra Santley
From: Honduras
Studying for: Master's Degree in Teaching and Learning, Sensory Impairments and Inclusion
Research interest: I’m interested in doing research in Assistive Technology for Visual Impairments in Rural Areas and Food Insecurity in People with Disabilities
Advisor: Assistant Professor Danene Fast, Department of Teaching and Learning
Laurentia Sumarni
From: Indonesia
Studying for: PhD in Multilingual Language Education
Research interest: Translanguaging practice in teacher education and translingual writing in multilingual classrooms
Advisor: Associate Professor Peter Sayer, Department of Teaching and Learning
Chia-Hsin Yin
From: Taiwan
Studying for: PhD Program of Foreign, Second and Multilingual Language Education
Research Interest: Scholarly interests are in applied linguistics and second language acquisition, in particular digital and multimodal literacy practice, multilingual identity construction and metalangauge development.
Advisor: Associate Professor Youngjoo Yi, Department of Teaching and Learning
Six Fulbright Fellows continue to study toward graduate degrees
Bahar Balaban
From: Turkey
Studying for: PhD in Foreign, Second and Multilingual Education
Research interest: Areas of positive psychology in second language acquisitions research
Advisor: Associate Professor Youngjoo Yi, Department of Teaching and Learning
Ho-Chieh Lin
From: Taiwan
Studying for: PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Research Interest: Children’s mathematical discourse, fractions learning, equity through educational technologies
Advisor: Associate Professor Theodore Chao, Department of Teaching and Learning
Risa Haridza
From: Indonesia Studying for: PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Research interest: How science teachers in Indonesia develop students’ reasoning skills in science classrooms
Advisor: Associate Professor Lin Ding, Department of Teaching and Learning
Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari
From: Indonesia
Studying for: Alternative Literacy Methods
Research interest: New professional development strategies for preservice teachers of English as a foreign language
Advisor: Associate Professor Francis Troyan, Department of Teaching and Learning
Saetbyul ‘Clara’ Kim
From: South Korea
Studying for: PhD in Educational Psychology
Research interest: Prosocial norms, social engagement and emotional development
Advisor: Associate Professor Tzu-Jung Lin, Department of Educational Studies
Wahyu ‘Koko’ Setioko
From: Indonesia
Studying for: PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Research interest: How children learn science in informal settings such as homes, museums and parks
Advisor: Associate Professor Lin Ding, Department of Teaching and Learning
For questions about Ohio State’s Fulbright program, contact Joanna Kukielka-Blaser, director of the Fulbright program in the Office of International Affairs.