Education Specialist, Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood
ATTENTION: This program will no longer accept external applicants. The T&L EdS has transitioned to a transfer-in-only option for current T&L PhD students who not opt to complete their degree but still want to earn a credential. Students who wish to transfer into the EdS program should consult with their faculty advisor. The T&L EdS program will eventually phase out.
A leader in literacy research and teaching, the Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood specialization provides you a strong theoretical and practical understanding of teaching, learning and educational environments. Your studies at Ohio State are made more robust because of the outreach and community research opportunities available in the communities around the university.
Program Features
Learn a core foundation of theoretical models and processes of reading, research and theory in reading development and instruction. You’ll also learn diverse epistemologies for inquiry in literacy research and practice.
Gain deep theoretical understanding of reading and literacy, become familiar with a range of research paradigms to study reading and literacy in early and middle childhood and develop expertise as researchers in your own inquiry.
Program designed for professionals with interests in a variety of areas such as early and middle childhood reading and writing instruction; language and literacy acquisition and development; family, community, and school literacy; literacy teacher education; phonics and word study; Reading Recovery; and clinical reading programs.
Present scholarly work at state and national conferences and join faculty in professional writing.
Career Paths

Funding Opportunities

The college annually awards scholarships to its students to support their academic goals.
Degree Requirements
Program start
Autumn Semester
Deadline to apply
December 1
Minimum Program hours