Educational Administration
One of the premiere programs in the United States, Educational Administration at Ohio State is a leadership program training the country’s future school district superintendents, school principals and teacher leaders. Get extensive research and in-the-field experience giving you a distinct advantage as a leader in education.
Degrees and Programs
The PhD in Education Administration positions candidates to get a global view of educational administration that includes the organizational behavior, politics and economics of education. A major focus of the PhD program is on research that will advance education to help candidates become leaders and contribute to the creation of new knowledge in the field.
EdD in Education Administration positions candidates to identify problems of practice, research them and provide informed and meaningful learning experiences grounded in educational practice. This program is optimal for those interested in becoming organizational leaders such as superintendents, university program directors, deans and provosts.

Some coursework required for the Master’s Degree can be applied to our EdD or PhD in Educational Administration, providing an opportunity to work on two degrees in tandem.
Student Opportunities

While several faculty take PhD students to engage in and extend their research interests, the Novice Fawcett Research Scholars are students selected to study educational leadership with the Novice Fawcett Chair. The chair and scholars are funded by an endowment made possible through the generosity of the friends and family of Novice G. Fawcett, the eighth president of The Ohio State University.

Provides doctoral students of color with a system of support for entrance into the professorate and enhancing the various universities' ability to recruit and support scholars of color collectives.

Brings emerging educational administration and policy scholars and noted researchers together for two days of presentations, generative discussion, and professional growth.

Provides an opportunity for emerging scholars to interact with leading politics and policy of education scholars.
Alumni Features

Program Stories

From teaching language learners to motivating students online, college resources and videos provide support

Before Philip T.K. Daniel was awarded Ohio State’s Distinguished Service Award, opposition and preconceived notions drove the professor to push for education change.

Research scientists at Ohio State found that strong relationships have more impact on student test scores than school funding alone. Read Professor Roger Goddard's findings and tips on how to increase social capital in schools.

New research shows that teachers' sense of support and capabilities to educate their students has big impact.
Member organizations
- The University Council for Educational Administration
- The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate
- The Ohio Council of Professors of Educational Administration **
- Individual Faculty Memberships include: