Francis Troyan

Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Area: Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education
(614) 292-2586
Kocham Cię [I love you], dziękuję bardzo [thank you], and pierogi filled my Sundays as we made our weekly trip to my grandparents' house for dinner in their rural western Pennsylvania town about a 30-minute ride from my home. While the language rules and ideologies about the Polish language surrounding us in the region dictated that English was supreme, I made it my mission to resist those rules, insisting that my grandparents reveal their secret code to me. Over time, what for some in my community was a source of shame—Polish Americans were often the target of cultural and linguistic ridicule in my hometown—I experienced as a source of love, pride, and connection with my grandparents. These Sundays with my grandparents fueled my curiosity about how languages and interaction work, how languages are learned, and how language rules form boundaries in societies, language classrooms, and people’s lives. These moments with my grandparents inspired my passion to become a language teacher, a language teacher educator, and a scholar of applied linguistics and language teacher education.
Informed by my personal experiences in language use with my grandparents and my life journey as a White gay cisgender man, my work in language teaching, teacher identity, and teacher education at The Ohio State University (OSU) is informed by a perspective of language use as dynamic, emergent, and responsive to a particular sociocultural situation. I am Associate Professor of Multilingual Language Education and I teach in the Bilingual, TESOL, and World Language Education programs. I am Co-Director of the Buckeye Language Education Resource Center, faculty advisor for the B.S.Ed. and M.Ed. Programs in World Language Education, and Director of the online Graduate Certificate Program in Core Practices for World Language Education. In my research and teaching, I work to engage language teachers in critical reflection on their language use, identity, and ideologies in the classroom.
Since coming to Ohio State in 2013, my work in language teacher preparation has engaged language teachers in the use of genre theory and systemic functional linguistics to learn to critically examine their language use as they design language learning experiences for their students. This work is featured in special issues of the journals Language and Education and System, as well as in the book Genre in World Language Education, which combines my work in genre with my years of work with performance assessment in the world language classroom.
My Fulbright-funded research in France and my immersion education research in Columbus focus on the opportunities provided to culturally and linguistically diverse students to use their linguistic repertoires in classroom interactions. In France, given the policy for multilingual education in Europe, my research—which has been published in Language and Education and Journal of Language, Identity, and Education—is helping to inform the development of more effective teaching practices for multilingual students in France. In Columbus, my immersion education research seeks to understand immersion teachers’ language use with their students, as well as the choices they make from their multilingual repertoires to enact culturally sustaining immersion pedagogy in dual language classrooms.
My research and teaching in practice-based approaches to language teacher education critically examine the content and teacher educator pedagogies involved in this approach to language teacher education and professional development. As part of this effort, I have developed and coordinate an online Graduate Certificate Program, which serves as a community of practice where participating teachers can learn to enact these core practices in their classrooms in collaboration with other teachers. At the same time, the program provides a context for researching world language teacher learning and allows us to further refine the core practices in our program. Based on this work, I received a 2021-2022 Fulbright FLEX Award to Colombia to collaborate with colleagues at la Universidad de Córdoba in Montería on the development of practice-based approaches.
- PhD, Language Education, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2013
- MA, Teaching French Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2001
- BS, Elementary Education, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 1998
Research Interests
- Assessment
- Assessment in content-based instruction
- Genre and functional linguistics in language assessment
- Performance assessment in language teaching and learning
- Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education
- Bilingual/multilingual/world language teacher education
- Language ideologies in language immersion programs
- Teacher practice in language immersion programs
- Foreign Language Teacher Education
- Bilingual/multilingual/world language teacher education
- Core practices in language teacher education
- Genre and functional linguistics in language teacher preparation
- Teacher Education
Research Summary
My research projects have included a Fulbright funded research projects on language education in Colombia and France; a teacher development grant from the Ohio Department of Education; a Seed Grant from the College of Education and Human Ecology to investigate the ideologies, beliefs, and instructional practices of language immersion teachers; and an American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Research Priorities grant to explore core practice development among world language teacher candidates.
Selected Grants
- Stefano, Ivan (PI) and Troyan, Francis John (co-PI) “2022 OSU-Fulbright Germany Seminar on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Education,” Sponsored by the Fulbright Germany, $81,384.05. (August 2022—October 2022).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI), Stefano, Ivan (co-PI), and Peter Sayer (co-PI). “BuckLER Center TESOL Certificate Program,” Sponsored by the Guandong (China)Teachers Association, $30,000.00. (May 2022—April 2023).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI). “Core Practices in Language Education in Colombia: Collaborations in Research and Practice,” Sponsored by Fulbright Colombia and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, $14,000. (October 2021—May 2022).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI). “Language Practices and Ideologies in Plurilingual Education in France,” Sponsored by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the Franco-American Commission, EUR 15,600. (January—June 2018).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI) and Stefano, Ivan (co-PI). “2021 OSU-Fulbright Germany Virtual Seminar on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Education,” Sponsored by the Fulbright Germany, $12,817.50. (March 2021—May 2021).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI), Stefano, Ivan (co-PI), and Peter Sayer (co-PI). “Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Orientation at Ohio State,” Sponsored by the Institute for International Education and the United States Department of State, $58,490. (May 2019—September 2019).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI) and Stefano, Ivan (co-PI). “2019 OSU-Fulbright Germany Seminar on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Education,” Sponsored by Fulbright Germany, $58,567.14. (January 2019—May 2019).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI), Bengochea, Alain (co-PI), and Gort, Mileidis (co-PI) "Investigating the ‘Responsiveness’ of Language Immersion Education," Sponsored by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers’ Association (NFMLTA), and the Modern Language Journal (MLJ) 2015-2016 Research Priorities Grant, Private, $2,500 (July, 2015—June, 2016).
- Troyan, Francis John (PI) and Bengochea, Alain (co-PI) "Investigating Ideologies and Responsive Practices in Language Immersion Education for Emergent Bilinguals," Sponsored by The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology Office of Research SEED Grant, Private, $19,997 (December, 2014—April, 2016).
- Katz, Laurie J. (PI), Gort, Mileidis (co-PI), Konrad, Moira R. (co-PI), Cannella-Malone, Helen I. (co-PI), Graham-Day, Kristall J. (Core Faculty), Mills, Monique, T. (Core Faculty), and Troyan, Francis John (Core Faculty). "Project REMODEL: Restructuring to meet the needs of Ohio’s diverse exceptional learners," Funded by the Ohio Deans’ Compact—University of Dayton, Public, $249,806. (December 6, 2013—June 30, 2015).
- Troyan, Francis John (Co-Principal Investigator with Kristin J. Davin, Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago), "Teacher Candidates’ Implementation of High-Leverage Teaching Practices: From the University Classroom to the Field Site," Sponsored by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Phase II Research Priorities Grant, Private (August, 2013—July, 2014).
- Troyan, Francis John (Principal Investigator), "Research Priorities Grant," Sponsored by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Private (November, 2010—July, 2011).
Selected Publications
- Peercy, M. M., Troyan, F. J., Fredricks, D. E., Hardy-Skeberdis, M. (in press). Calling for a humanizing turn in language teacher education: Problematizing content and language instruction. TESOL Quarterly. [Advance online publication.]
- *Troyan, F. J., Fernández, L., Weng, Z., Ferguson, D. S., Iswandari, Y. I., Avdakov, S. (2023). Toward humanizing SFL praxis: Co-constructing language teachers’ understandings of their intersectional identities via language use. Foreign Language Annals, 56, 888–911.
- Troyan, F. J., Swanson, P., & Russell, V. A. (2023). Removing barriers to WL teacher certification: A closer look at edTPA ratings. Hispania, 106(4), 657–675.
- Weng, Z., & Troyan, F. J., Fernández, L., McGuire, M. (2023). Examining language teacher identity and intersectionality across instructional contexts through the experience of Perezhivanie. TESOL Quarterly. [Advance online publication.]
- Weng, Z., & Troyan, F. J. (2023). Developing language teacher identity through photo-elicitation in TESOL teacher education. TESOL Journal. [Advance online publication.]
- Troyan, F. J., Adair-Hauck, B., & Glisan, E. W. (2023). Integrated peformance assessment: Twenty years and counting. Alexandria, VA: ACTFL.
- Troyan, F. J., & Auger, N. (2022). Unprepared for superdiversity: Teacher agency and constraint in a culturally and linguistically diverse French elementary classroom. Journal of Language, Identity, & Education. Advance online publication.
- Troyan, F. J., & Auger, N. (2022). ‘Yes, but you were born in France’: Practiced language policies with culturally and linguistically diverse students in an elementary classroom in France. Language and Education. Advance Online Publication.
- Lu, X., & Troyan, F. J. (2022). Diversity and inclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse students in K-12 Chinese language education. Foreign Language Annals, 55, 684–703.
- Miranda, L., & Troyan, F. J. (2022). Interrogating racial ideologies: Enabling antiracist world language learning via the IPA. The Language Educator, 17(1), 22–26.
- Troyan, F. J., Basok, E., & Carr, D. R. (2022). Core practices for world language teaching in the United States during COVID-19: A nationwide questionnaire. In J. LeLoup & P. Swanson, Handbook of research on effective online language teaching in a disruptive environment (pp. 24–40). IGI Global.
- Troyan, F. J., Herazo, J. D. & Ryshina-Pankova, M. (Eds.). (2022). SFL pedagogies in language education (Special Issue Introduction). System.
- Troyan, F. J., Harman, R., Zhang, X. (Eds.). (2021). Critical SFL praxis in teacher education: Looking backward and looking forward (Special Issue Introduction). Language and Education.
- Troyan, F. J., King, N., & Bramli, A. (2021). Enacting culturally sustaining immersion pedagogy through SFL and translanguaging design. Foreign Language Annals, 54.
- Troyan, F. J. (2021). “Alors, on va faire une activité”: An SFL perspective on student engagement in contextualized world language instruction. System, 98.
- Sembiante, S. F., Cavallaro, C. J., & Troyan, F. J. (2021). Language teacher candidates’ SFL development: A sociocultural perspective. Language and Education, 35, 479–499.
- Troyan, F. J., Harman, R., Zhang, X. (2021). Critical SFL praxis in teacher education: Insights from Australian SFL scholars. Language and Education, 35, 383–401.
- Peercy, M. M., & Troyan, F. J. (2020). 'Am I doing it wrong?': Critically examining mediation in lesson rehearsal. Teaching and Teacher Education, 93.
- Troyan, F.J., Sembiante, S. F., King, N. (2019). A case for a functional linguistic knowledge base in world language teacher education. Foreign Language Annals, 644–669.
- Troyan, F. J., & Peercy, M. M. (2018). Moving beyond ‘Très bien’: Examining teacher educator mediation in lesson rehearsals. In J. Sharkey & M. M. Peercy (Eds.), Self-Study of Language and Literacy Teacher Education Practices Across Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Contexts, (pp. 263–281). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
- Peercy, M.M., & Troyan, F. J. (2017). Making transparent the challenges of developing a practice-based pedagogy of teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 61, 26–36.
- Troyan, F. J., Cammarata, L., & Martel, J. (2017). Integration PCK: Modeling the knowledge(s) underlying a world-language teacher's implementation of CBI. Foreign Language Annals, 50, 458–476.
- Troyan, F. J., & Kaplan, C. S. (2015). The functions of reflection in high-stakes assessment of world language teacher candidates. Foreign Language Annals, 48, 372-393.
- Davin, K. J., & Troyan, F. J. (2015). The implementation of high-leverage teaching practices: From the university classroom to the field site. Foreign Language Annals, 48, 124–142.
- Troyan, F. J. (2014). Leveraging genre theory: A genre-based interactive model for the era of the Common Core State Standards. Foreign Language Annals, 47, 5–24.
- Troyan, F. J. (2014). Preparing teachers for plurilingualism through language awareness TREMA, 42.
- Adair-Hauck, B., & Troyan, F. J. (2013). A descriptive and co-constructive approach to Integrated Performance Assessment feedback. Foreign Language Annals, 46, 23–44.
- Troyan, F. J., Davin, K. J., & Donato, R. (2013). Toward a practice-based approach for foreign language teacher preparation: A work in progress. Canadian Modern Language Review, 69, 154–180.
- Troyan, F. J. (2012). Standards for foreign language learning: Defining the constructs and researching learner outcomes. Foreign Language Annals, 45, s118–s140.
- Davin, K. J., Troyan, F. J., Donato, R., & Hellmann, A. (2011). Research on the Integrated Performance Assessment in an early foreign language learning program. Foreign Language Annals, 44, 605–625.
Selected Presentations
- Troyan, F. J., Fernández, L., & Weng, Z. (2024, March). The photo-elicited interview: A window on the experiences of perezhivanie in language teacher identity. Paper presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Houton, TX.
- Peercy, M. M., Hawkins, M., & Troyan, F. J. (2024, March). Toward more humanizing pedagogy in language teacher education: Rethinking pedagogical content knowledge. Paper presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Houton, TX.
- Troyan, F. J., Fernández, L., & Weng, Z. (2024, March). The photo-elicited interview: A window on the experiences of perezhivanie in language teacher identity. Paper presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Houton, TX.
- Troyan, F. J., & Abdel-Malek, M. (2023, November). Getting Going Across the Modes of Communication! Paper at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Troyan, F. J., Fernández, L., & Weng, Z. (2023, November) LGBTQ+ language teacher identity development across instructional contexts. Paper presentation at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Troyan, F. J., Fernández, L., Ferguson, D. S., & Iswandari, Y. (2023, July) Language teachers’ critical praxis: Representations of cultural and linguistic diversity. Paper presentation at the Association Internationale de la Linguisitique Appliquée [International Association of Applied Linguisitics], Lyon, France.
- Peercy, M. M., Troyan, F. J., Fredricks, D., & Hardy, M. F. (2023, April). Calling for a humanizing turn in language teacher education: Problematizing content and language instruction. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Troyan, F. J., Fernández, L., Ferguson, D. S., & Iswandari, Y. (2023, March) Multimodal metaphors of linguistic diversity: Toward humanizing praxis in language teacher education. Paper presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguisitics, Portland, OR.
- Ameri, S., Zaitseva, A., & Troyan, F. J. (2023, March) Uncle Sam needs you to take Russian: An appraisal analysis of world language recruitment materials. Paper presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguisitics, Portland, OR.
- Zaitseva, A., & Troyan, F. J. (2023, March) World language teacher candidates’ racial identities and positionalities: A collaborative self-study. Paper presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguisitics, Portland, OR.
- King, N., & Troyan, F. J. (2023, February) Harnessing SFL to learn to translanguage in a French immersion classroom. Paper presentation at the National Association of Bilingual Education, Portland, OR.
- Troyan, F. J., Swanson, P., & Russell, V. (2022, November). Barriers to certification: edTPA scoring and rater discrpancies. Paper presentation at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention, Boston, MA. Troyan, F. J. (2022, September). How to support written and spoken language in the world language classroom. Invited workshop for Language Teaching Forum at the Center for Language Acquisition, Penn State University, University Park, PA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2022, September). Developing language teachers’ critical praxis: Unpacking cultural and linguistic diversity via SFL. Invited talk at the Center for Language Acquisition, Penn State University, University Park, PA.
- Russell, V., Troyan, F. J., Garrett-Rucks, P., Manríquez-Weiner, M., Pinion, J. (2022, April). Diversifying the world language teacher pipeline: Removing barriers to certification and retaining in-service teachers. Invited Panelist for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Virtual Town Hall Series: Critical Conversations in World Language Education.
- Troyan, F. J. (2022, April). Genre in world language teaching, learning, and assessment. Invited keynote address at the 2022 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Spring Methodology Conference on Language Teaching, Indiana, PA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2022, April). Putting spoken genres to work in the world language classroom. Invited workshop at the 2022 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Spring Methodology Conference on Language Teaching, Indiana, PA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2022, March). World language teachers’ voices from COVID: Where do we go from here? Invited keynote address at the 2022 Boston Area Pedagogy Conference (BAPC, Virtual), Boston, MA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2022, February). Practice-based teacher education in EFL: Possibilities, limitations, future directions. Invited presentation for the Department of Foreign Languages at the Universidad de Córdoba, Montería, Colombia.
- Troyan, F. J. (2021, April). Developing presentational communication with genre theory: A high-leverage teaching practice. Invited presentation for the Department of Foreign Languages at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Troyan, F. J. (2021, March). An SFL Perspective on interaction in contextualized world language instruction. Invited paper presentation for a featured colloquium “Researching and practicing SFL pedagogies in L2 education: Making SFL accessible,” sponsored by the North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association at the American Association of Applied Linguistics Virtual Conference.
- Troyan, F. J. (2020, July). Genre in World Language Teacher Education. Invited webinar for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Teacher Development and Research Special Interest Groups.
- Troyan, F. J. (2019, May). Dévélopper des compétences en genres de textes académiques en immersion élémentaire: Une approche interactive [Developing language abilities in academic genres in elementary immersion: An interactive approach]. Invited presentation for CLIL@Louvain Symposium at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Troyan, F. J. (2019, May). A teacher repertoire for integration and translanguaging: A systemic functional linguistic perspective. Invited presentation for CLIL@Louvain Symposium at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Troyan, F. J., Harman, R., & Zhang, X. (2019, March). SFL praxis in teacher education: Looking backward and charting the future. Co-Chair/Co-Organizer of Colloquium at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, GA.
- Harman, R., Troyan, F. J., & Zhang, X. (2019, March). The view of global SFL praxis from Australia. Paper presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, GA.
- King, N., & Troyan, F. J. (2018, November).Enacting pedagogical language knowledge in a French immersion classroom: A Functional Linguistic Perspective. Paper presented at the Amercian Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New Orleans, LA.
- Troyan, F. J., & Cimino, J. (2018, November). Learning to enact practice-based pedagogy: A collaborative self-study. Paper presented at the Amercian Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New Orleans, LA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2018, November). Mediation of a teacher candidate’s learning of functional linguistics. Paper presented at the Amercian Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New Orleans, LA.
- Troyan, F. J., & Cimino, J. (2018, November). The role of self-study in world language teacher educator preparation and development. Invited presentation at the Amercian Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Teacher Development Special Interest Group Business Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2018, November). Genre matters in the Can Do Statements. Invited workshop at 2018 National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Language (NCSSFL) and National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Language (NADSFL) Joint Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2018, September). Implementing integrated performance assessment in a university Italian program. Invited workshop at the Georgetown University Department of Italian, Washington, DC.
- Troyan, F. J. (2018, April). Evaluation de la performance dans le cadre des documents de référence [Performance assessment within the context of learning standards]. Invited teacher workshop at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Troyan, F. J. (2018, April). Pedagogical languaging in a French immersion classroom: A functional linguistic perspective. Invited graduate seminar at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Troyan, F. J. (2017, November). Getting to the core of practice in the world language classroom. Invited talk at Department of Modern and Classical Language Studies, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
- Troyan, F. J., & Adair-Hauck, B. (2017, November). Integrated performance assessment from design to feedback on instruction. Invited daylong pre-conference workshop at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention, Nashville, TN.
- Troyan, F. J. (2016, December). Designing integrated performance assessment: Transforming practice in university language learning. Invited daylong workshop for the Department of World Languages and Literatures, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Troyan, F. J. (2016, December). Exploring the qualities of effective feedback on student performance. Invited webinar for the Connecticut Council of Language Teachers and the Ohio Foreign Language Association.
- Troyan, F. J. (2016, November). Language immersion: Research on teachers’ ideologies and perspectives. Invited plenary presentation at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- Troyan, F. J. (2016, July). Core Practices in world language education. Invited daylong workshop for the American Association of Teachers of Japanese/Japan Foundation Summer Workshop for Japanese Teachers, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.