Leah Herner-Patnode

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Special Education
(567) 242-7167
Leah M. Herner-Patnode, Associate Professor of Special Education, has taught elementary to college students for over two decades. She has worked with students in inclusion settings and this has enhanced her research interests. Her major research interest is engaging preservice teachers in instruction that translates into culturally relevant teaching in the P-9 classroom. She is currently working on research with practicing teachers to study what approach works best for students with mathematical learning disabilities.
- EdD, Special Education, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 2000
- Areas of concentration - Learning Disability and Gifted Education
- MEd, Administration, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 1993
- BS, Elementary Education, Bowling Green State University, 1990
Research Interests
- Children's Literature
- Early Childhood Education and Teaching
- Special Education
- Teacher Education
- ECE and MCE licensure programs Including students with special needs
- Treasurer, Ohio Council Learning Disabilities
- Chair, Administrative Review Committee, Lima campus
- Academic program coordinator for OSU Lima's education department
December 2001- coauthor of the AACTE Award 2002: Best Practice Award for Service-Learning in Teacher Education
Selected Publications
- Lee, H.J., Herner-Patnode, L., & Cho, S. (SP 2023). Culturally Responsive Teaching in
- Mathematics: Preservice Teachers Perceptions and Applications. Ohio Journal of Teacher Education (OJTE) 35 (2).
- Cho, S., Lee, H.J., & Herner-Patnode, L. (2022). Mathematic Lesson Design for English Learners versus Non-English Learners from Perspectives of Equity and Intersection. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education.15(1) 31-53.
- Lee, H.-J, Han, C., Kim, H.-j., & Herner-Patnode, L. (2021). Teaching Multiplication to Students with Mathematical Learning Disabilities (MLD): Analysis of Preservice Teachers’ Lesson Design. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11813. https://doi.org/10.3390/ su132111813
- Lee, H.J., Han, C., Kim, H., & Herner-Patnode, L. (2021). Modifying and accommodating instruction of multiplication for students with Mathematical Learning Disabilities (MLD). In D. Olanoff, K. Johnson, & S. M. Spitzer (Eds.). Proceedings of the forty-third annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp.947-951). Philadelphia, PA. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PhnJK6a3KBl3JjYQg82s86JnClrajHqq/view
- Herner-Patnode, L., & Lee, H.J. (2021). Differentiated Instruction to Teach Mathematics: Through the Lens of Responsive Teaching. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development (MTED), 23 (3),6-25.
- Cho, S., Lee, H.J., & Herner-Patnode, L. (2020). Factors influencing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy in addressing cultural and linguistic needs of diverse learners. The Teacher Educator, 55(4), 411 - 429. DOI:10.1080/08878730.2020.1805835
- Lee, H.J. & Herner-Patnode, L. (2011). Reflecting on portfolio development: How does the portfolio facilitate a preservice teacher’s growth? International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design 1,(1). 65-79.
- Herner-Patnode,L., Lee, H. & Cristol, D. (2010) Effective Teacher Preparation: Working to Change Dispositions in New Teachers. In The Purposes, Practices, and Professionalism of Teacher Reflectivity:Insights for 21st century teachers and students. First ed. Edited by Edward Pultorak, Ph.D. Lanham, Maryland, USA: Rowman & Littlefield. 97-117. 

- Lee, Y.A. & Herner-Patnode, L. (2010). Developing teacher candidates’ knowledge, skills, & dispositions to teach diverse students. Journal of Instructional Psychology 37, (3), 222-235.
- Herner-Patnode,L. (2009). Teaching Mathematics to Students With Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 45, (2),141-141.
- Herner-Patnode,L. (2009). Educator study groups a professional development tool to enhance inclusion. Intervention in School and Clinic, 45, (1), 24-30.
- Herner-Patnode, L & Lee, H. (2009). A capstone experience for preservice teachers: Building a web-based portfolio. Educational Technology and Society Journal, 2, (12), 101-110. http://www.ifets.info/index.php? http://www.ifets.info/issues.php?id=43.
- Herner-Patnode, L. (2009). Educator study groups: A professional development tool to enhance inclusion." Intervention in School and Clinic, 45,(1), 24-30.
Selected Presentations
- Herner-Patnode, L., & Lee, H. J. (2022). Equitable Lesson Planning: Facilitating Preservice Teachers Improved Planning Skills. Paper to be presented at the 100th annual meeting of Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Jan. 17, 2022, Orlando, FL. (Peer reviewed)
- Herner-Patnode, L., & Lee, H. J. (2022). Modification Strategies in Mathematics: Are We Teaching Preservice Teachers to be Responsive? Paper to be presented at the 100th annual meeting of Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)), Jan. 17, 2022, Orlando, FL. (Peer reviewed)
- Herner-Patnode, L., & Lee, H. J. (2021). Accommodations in Mathematics: Through the Lens of Responsive Teaching. Paper presented at the 43rd annual International Conference on Learning Disabilities (CLD), October 15, 2021, Las Vegas, NV. (Peer reviewed)
- Lee, H. J., & Herner-Patnode, L. (2021). Equitable Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Difficulties/Disabilities. Paper presented at the 43rd annual International Conference on Learning Disabilities (CLD), October 14, 2021, Las Vegas, NV. (Peer reviewed)
- Herner-Patnode, L. & Lee, H. (2020, Oct. 19). Improving Preservice Teachers: Teaching of Mathematics to Students with Dyscalculia Rationale. Council for Learning Disabilities, Virtual. (Peer reviewed)
- Herner-Patnode, L. (2013).Strategies for students with mathematical learning disabilities. Presentation for Council For Exceptional Children Conference, San Antonio, Texas. (April, 2013).
- Lee, H. L. & Herner-Patnode, L. (2012). Instructional strategies for students with mathematical learning disabilities. Presentation for 62nd annual Ohio Council Teacher of Mathematics, Columbus, Ohio.
- Herner-Patnode, L. & Lee, H. L. (2012). Teaching mathematics to students living in poverty. Presentation for the 62nd annual Ohio Council Teacher of Mathematics, Columbus, Ohio.
- Herner-Patnode, L, & Lee, H.L. "Poverty and LD: Can we improve learning opportunities?." Presented at 34th Annual International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Peers within Field., Austin, Texas, United States. (Oct 2012)