Suzanne Bartle-Haring

Professor, Department of Human Sciences
Program Area: Human Development and Family Science
(614) 688-3259
Suzanne Bartle-Haring is professor of human development and family science in the Department of Human Sciences. She earned a master's degree in marriage and family therapy at the University of Conneticut with the aspiration to become a full-time clinician. Her interest in research quickly grew during her master's program and has been doing research ever since.
She believes there is a synergy among the many facets of her position including the theory of change as a clinician, her work as a supervisor training clinicians and her research. She conducts research to test the Bowen Family Systems Theory. Using a systemic perspective in research and wanting to understand family, Bartle-Haring collects data from multiple family members. The complexity of this kind of data has driven her to learn about statistical procedures that can handle this sort of data. Bartle-Haring is successful at using multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, and more recently, dyadic data analysis techniques in her research. She continues to strive to use quantitative methods that approximate a systems perspective.
- PhD, Family Science, University of Connecticut, 1990
- MS, Marriage and Family Therapy, University of Connecticut, 1987
- BS, Psychology, Penn State University, 1984
Research Interests
- Adolescent and At-Risk Youth
- Behavioral Aspects of Health
- Family Systems
- Couple and family therapy, Bowen Family Systems Theory, Family processes
- Human Development and Family Studies
Selected Publications
- Bartle-Haring, S. (2022). Change Trajectories Classes in Couple Therapy: How much does relationship satisfaction change? Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice.
- Whiting, R., & Bartle-Haring. S. (2022). Variations in the association between education and self-reported health by race/ethnicity and structural racism. SSM:Population Health, Sep;19:101136. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101136.
- Blalock, J., & Bartle-Haring, S.(2022). Transition into marriage: A test of relational uncertainty, turbulence, dyadic synchrony, and cohabitation in newlyweds. Family Relations, 71, 1637-1657.
- Bartle-Haring, S. & Whiting, R. (2022). Structural racism and the education gradient for early all-cause mortality. SSM- Population Health, 17,
- Bartle-Haring, S., Bryant, A., & Whiting, R. (2022). Therapists’ confidence in their theory of change and outcomes. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, DOI: 10.1111/jmft.12593 (published open access)
- Bartle-Haring, S., Bryant, A. & Gavazzi, S. (in press). College student persistence: A focus on relationships with parents.” Journal of Family Issues.
- Wells-DiGregorio, S., Polder, J., Bartle-Haring, S., Ehrman, S., Marks, D., Probst, D., Hartman, A., Music, P., Adolph, M., Taylor, R. (2022). Prospective study of novel risk stratification process for opioid-related harm reduction in cancer patients seen in an outpatient palliative care clinic. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 25, 695-844.
- Fayed, C., Bartle-Haring, S., & Vanbergen, A. (2021). Interpersonal trauma, therapeutic alliance and relationship satisfaction: A dyadic examination. Contemporary Family Therapy
- Bartle-Haring, S., Walsh, L., Blalock, J. & Bryant, A. (2021). Using therapeutic alliance to predict treatment attendance among couples. Contemporary Family Therapy, 43, 370-381.
- 10. Saeed, S., Malik, F. & Bartle-Haring, S .(2021). Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of Behavioral-Emotional Reactivity Index for adolescents. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 2, 186-200.
- VanBergen, A., Bartle-Haring, S., Kawar, C. & Bortz, P. (2021). Trauma and relationship satisfaction in treatment seeking couples: A dyadic investigation of differentiation as a mediator. Contemporary Family Therapy, 43(2), 140-153.
- Bartle-Haring, S. & VanBergen, A. (2021). Progress monitoring in Couple Therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 31(2), 157-170.
- VanBergen, A., Blalock, J., Bryant, A., Bortz, P. & Bartle-Haring, S. (2020). Couples and trauma history: A descriptive overview of interpersonal trauma and clinical outcomes. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42(4), 335-345.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Washburn-Busk, M. & VanBergen, A. (2020). A primer for the use of multilevel models in Couple and Family Therapy research. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 46, 582-602.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Worch, S., & Vanbergen, A. (2020). Differentiation: Moderator or mediator for change in satisfaction in early sessions of couple therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 30, 387-401.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Ferriby, M., & Bean, R. (2019). The moderating effect of differentiation: Education and health in married couples. Personal Relationships, 26, 345-365.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Ferriby, M., & Day, R. (2019). Couple differentiation: mediator or moderator of depressive symptoms and relationship satisfaction? Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 45(4), 563-577.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Slesnick, N. & Murnan, A. (2018). Benefits to children who participate in family therapy with their substance using mother. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 44. 671-686.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Shannon, S., Holowacz, H., Patton, R., & Younkin, F. (2017). Is there a “sweet spot” for age at marriage and positive marital outcomes? Journal of Family Issues, 39(4), 1085-1107 .
- Ponappa, S., Bartle-Haring, S., Holowacz, E. & Ferriby, M.(2017). The family system and depressive symptoms during the college years: Triangulation, parental differential treatment, and sibling warmth as predictors. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43, 145-158.
- Shannon, S. & Bartle-Haring, S. (2017). Unique characteristics of cohabiters seeking therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43, 115-130.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Shannon, S., Bowers, D. & Holowacz, E. (2016). Therapist differentiation and couple clients’ perceptions of therapeutic alliance. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42, 716-730 doi: 10.1111/jmft.12157
- Yoo, H., Bartle-Haring, S. , Gangamma, R., (2014) Predicting premature termination with alliance at sessions 1 and 3: an exploratory study". Journal of Family Therapy, 38, 5-17.
- Gangama, R., Bartle-Haring, S., Holowacz, E., Hartwell, E., Glabova, T.(2015) Relational Ethics, Depressive Symptoms, and Relationship Satisfaction in Couples in Therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.
- Bartle-Haring, S., Slesnick, N., Carmona, J., (2015) Reciprocity in adolescent care-giver violence. Journal of Family Violence, 30, 149-159. (IFI .65)