Tanya Middleton

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Dr. Tanya J. Middleton, is an alumnus of The Ohio State University (’03 BA in Communication/Criminology minor). Dr. Middleton obtained her MA from John Carroll University in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling, and completed her doctorate in Counselor Education & Supervision at The University of Akron. In August 2020, she joined the College of Education and Human Ecology’s nationally ranked Counselor Education program as clinical assistant professor. She works in private practice and has more than 15 years of professional experience in the counseling and social services fields and is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with Supervisory credentials, as well as being a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor and a Substance Abuse Professional.
Dr. Middleton published book chapters and refereed journal articles on racial battle fatigue and mental health of Black men. She also wrote a book chapter on the underrepresentation of Black children in gifted education programs. She has been a member of the Ohio Counseling Association since 2017 holding various roles including president of the Ohio Counselors for Social Justice division and is currently treasurer of Ohio Substance Use Disorder Professionals division.
- PhD Counselor Education and Supervision, The University of Akron, 2020
- MA Clinical and Mental Health Counseling, John Carroll University, 2011
- BA Communication/Criminology minor, The Ohio State University, 2003
Research Interests
- Adolescent and At-Risk Youth
- Behavioral Aspects of Health
- Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services
- Addictions Counseling
- Clinical Counseling
- Counselor Education & Supervision
- Family Systems
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Multicultural Education
- Equity & Access
- Higher Education
- Retention
- Social Justice
- African American & Minority studies
- Diversity
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
- Owens, D., Lockhart,S., Matthews, D. & Middleton, T. (2019). Racial Battle Fatigue and Mental Health in Black men. In J. T., Butcher, J.R. O’Conner & F. Titus. Overcoming Challenges and Creating Opportunity for African American Male Students (pp. 99-107). IGI Global.
- Owens, D., Middleton, T.,Redmond, M. & Meniru, M. (2018). Underrepresentation of Black children in Gifted Education Programs: Examining Ethnocentric Monoculturalism. In J. Cannaday, Curriculum Development for Gifted Education Programs. (pp. 135-150). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Owens, Tadros, Middleton & Rosemond (under review). Racism and Racial Battle Fatigue Among Incarcerated African American Adolescents. Criminal Justice Review.
Encyclopedia Entries
- Middleton, T., Logan, D. & Owens, D. (2018). Diversity. In C.R. King. People of Color in the United States: Encyclopedia of Histories, Cultures and Peoples. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.
Selected Presentations
- Aydogan, M., & Middleton, T. (2020). Multicultural Clinical Supervision: Broaching as a Strategy to Promote Healthy Cultural Conversations. John Carroll University. University Heights, OH.
- Wallace, M., Owens, D., Middleton, T, White, R. & Collins-Gaines, B. (2019). Ohio Association of Multicultural Counseling and Ohio Counselors for Social Justice Summit. All Ohio Counseling Conference. Columbus, OH.
- Woloch, C.M, Hearn S., & Middleton T. (2018) Ethical Decision Making: Implications of Counseling in a Digital World. Ohio Counseling Association Fall Conference, Coumbus, OH.
- Middleton, T., & Chipemba, C. (2018) Did That Just Happen? Addressing Racial Microaggressions and Social Justice Inequalities Utilizing a Humanistic Approach with Clients. Association for Humanistic Counseling Conference. St. Petersburg, FL
- Middleton, T., & Chipemba, C. (2018). Utilizing a Humanistic Perspective for Helping Clients Recover Relationships Damaged Due to Mental Illness, Addiction and Incarceration. Association for Humanistic Counseling Conference. St. Petersburg, FL
- Bates, C., & Middleton, T. (2018). Racial Battle Fatigue and Mental Health. American Counseling Association National Conference. Atlanta, GA
- Hearn, S., Chipemba, C., Middleton, T., & Swaney, C. (2018). Substance Use in Adolescents: The Benefits of Art Techniques Through A Neuroscientific Lens in Psychotherapy. Ohio Counseling Association Spring Inaugural Conference. Independence, OH
- Owens.D., Hannon, M., Sheely-Moore, A., Middleton, T. & Bates, C. (2017). Linking Family, School and Community to improve Academic Achievement in Urban Areas. Council Great City Schools Conference. Cleveland, OH
- Owens, D., Meniru, M., & Middleton, T. (2017). College and Career Readiness for Young African American Men. The University of Akron’s Black Male Summit Annual Conference. Akron, OH.
- Middleton, T., & Hall, A., (2015). Relationship Recovery from Mental Illness, Incarceration & Recovery. Ohio Department of Addiction and Mental Health Services Annual Conference. Cleveland, Ohio
- Hall, A., & Middleton, T. (2013). Practical Implications of School Based Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Ohio Counselor’s Association Annual Conference. Columbus, Ohio