Jasmine Abukar

Clinical Assistant Professor - HESA, Department of Educational Studies
Jasmine Abukar, PhD, is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Student Personnel Assistantship Program within the Department of Educational Studies at The Ohio State University. Dr. Abukar’s research centers raced and gendered labor, resistance, and healing as well as critical and culturally-based theories and qualitative methodologies. She is currently focused on the experiences of women of color PhD students in the field education, with the aim of illuminating underexplored forms of resistance and community-building for the benefit of that population.
- Ph.D., Teaching and Learning (Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education), The Ohio State University
- M.A., Educational Studies (Higher Education and Student Affairs), The Ohio State University
- B.A., Sociology and Anthropology, Fairfield University
Research Interests
- Cultural Studies
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Pedagogy in higher education
- Equity
- Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA)
- Graduate student socialization
- Labor and organizing
- Marginzalized communities' navigation of oppression within education
- Social Justice
- Women's Studies
- Feminist and cultural methodologies
- Gender studies
- Intersectional perspectives on feminisim
Selected Publications
Patton, L. D., Haynes, C., Abukar, J., & McCollum, S. (in press). A special kind of hate: Black women college students’ experiences with gendered anti-Black incidents of violence on campus. New Directions for Student Services.
Abukar, J. (2021). Writing to the choir: The imperative of rest for women of color in graduate school. In O. Johnson, E. Templeton, & B. Love (Eds.), Elevating marginalized voices in academe: Lessons for a new generation of scholars (pp. 73-76). Routledge.
Abukar, J. (2020, June 9). For colored girls in academia who have burned out / When rest is enough. The Faculty. https://medium.com/the-faculty/for-colored-girls-in-academia-who-have-burned-out-when-rest-is-enough-c8910feb31b2
Taylor, K.B., Jones, S.R., Massey, R., Mickey, J., Reynolds, D.J. & Jackson, T. (2017). Examining developmental readiness in an international service-learning context. Journal of College Student Development, 58(5), 685-703
Taylor, K. B., Jones, S., Massey, R., Mickey, J., & Reynolds, D. J. (2017). ‘It just had to settle’: A longitudinal investigation of students’ developmental readiness to navigate dissonance and experience transformation through international service learning. The Journal of Higher Education, 89(2), 1-25
Selected Presentations
Patton, L. D., Haynes, C., Abukar, J. (2022, April 21-26). When they (fail to) see us: An analysis of gendered, anti-Black incidents targeting Black women college students [Roundtable presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA and Virtual. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera22/#selected_tag
McMillian, R., Abukar, J., & Patton, L. D. (2022, April 21-26). Policy meets urban schooling: Black high school students' educational pathways under the Missouri transfer law [Roundtable presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA and Virtual. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera22/#selected_tag
Combs, L. D., McKinney, N., Khalayleh, N., Abukar, J., Rivera, J., Lu, R., & Washington, L. (2021, November 3-6). Fighting oppression with unity: Building solidarity among women of color graduate students during COVID-19 [Paper presentation]. ASHE Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. https://www.ashe.ws//Files/Past%20Conferences/ASHE%202021%20Program%20Book.pdf
Abukar, J., Lu, R., Rivera, J., Combs, L. D., Khalayleh, N., McKinney, N. (2021, October 29). Lessons from intersectionality and interconnectivity: Graduate women of color as emerging researchers [Interactive Symposium]. ASHE Council on Ethnic Participation Pre-Conference, Virtual. https://www.ashe.ws//Files/Past%20Conferences/ASHE%202021%20Program%20Book.pdf
Abukar, J. (2020, May 26–30). #ProtectMaunaKea: The role of social media in cultural student activism [Poster presentation]. National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), New York City, NY, United States. https://www.ncore.ou.edu/en/nyc/ (Conference canceled).