Program Representatives
The Office of Accreditation, Placement and Licensure partners with Educator Preparation Program Representatives to support students from admission through licensure. Below you will find important information concerning placement processes, data collection and analysis to support EPPs, and assessments.
The Placement Process
All placement decisions are made by the Program Representative and APL, in consultation with appropriate faculty members. After a placement is requested by a program, it goes through a series of approvals. The diagram below shows the steps in the process.
Submitting Placement Requests
Program Representatives are responsible for making decisions on the particulars of each of their student's placements. The Office of Accreditation, Placement, and Licensure serves as the liaison between the school district or agency in helping each program secure approval for the field placement.
- Download the field experience template
- Submit the field placement template to edprep@osu.edu
If a student is no longer part of your program, please remember to submit the Student Enrollment Change, Qualtrics Tool.
Program Enrollment Verification (PEV) and Placement Apps (login required)
APL Program Carmen Shell- coming soon
Program Representative Handbook (Updates Coming Soon)
Field Placement Handbook
Student Teaching Appeals
Additional Resources:
Licensure Application Guide
Tests and Expenses
APL Newsletter archive
Placements should not be given to students until compliance requirements are completed and the student is marked as confirmed in the placement app.
Please be sure your students are aware of any district-specific requirements that may apply to their placement.
Mentor Educator Training
Programs should supply mentor educators with program-specific training materials. In response to CAEP requirements, CAEP accredited programs should refer mentors to these additional required mentor educator trainings.