Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Endorsement - TESOL (K-12)

Endorsements and Graduate Studies
This endorsement may be completed as Graduate Non-Degree status; enrollment in a master's program is not a requirement. No more than seven (7) hours of graduate credit accumulated while in the graduate non-degree classification may be counted toward a graduate degree.
Program Requirements
- Prerequisite: A valid Ohio teaching license
- Coursework must be completed at the graduate-level and within 5 years of applying to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE).
- GPA requirement: Students must obtain a letter grade of "B" or better in each of the required courses below
- Course Substitutions: Requests must be coordinated by T&L Academic Services. Students are required to provide T&L Academic Services with a course syllabus and a statement of request in the form of a Word document for appropriate faculty to review. Final decisions will be emailed to the student within 2-4 weeks of their request.
- Non-OSU Coursework: Only one course from another institution may be used towards the TESOL Endorsement coursework requirements.
Required Courses
- EDUTL 5620 Language Acquisition in Multilingual Learners (3)
- EDUTL 5615 Methods and Culture in TESOL (3)
- EDUTL 5645 Core Practices in Language Assessment (3)
- Choose one of the following
- EDUTL 5301 Foundations of Bilingual Education
- EDUTL 5365 Linguistics for Literacy Education
- EDUTL 5600 Language as a Resource
- EDUTL 5610 Literacy Development for Multilingual Learners
- EDUTL 5640 Strategic planning and advocacy for multilingual learners
- Field Experience
- Option 1: Signed form from direct supervisor
- Option 2: EDUTL 5189.66 TESOL Endorsement Field Experience (3) (7189 SP19 or prior)
** EDUTL 5189.66 must be taken in the last semester that candidates are enrolled at OSU for the TESOL Endorsement. It may be taken concurrently with EDUTL 5610 and/or 5645. Students must enroll in TESOL section.
Upon successful completion of all required coursework and the appropriate OAE subtest (Code 021), candidates are required to submit the ODE Licensure Application and payment online through the ODE website.