Program in Teaching Visual Impairments

OSU Oval Seal


  • TVI coursework will be completed at the graduate-level as a Graduate Non-Degree Student.
  • GPA requirement: 3.0 or above in all coursework.
  • All courses with the exception of the Reading Electives and Phonics must be taken at The Ohio State University in order to be recommended for licensure.
  • After completing the coursework below, students must pass the OAE Content Knowledge Assessment: Special Education Specialist- Visually Impaired (Test Code 045).

Reading Core

  • *EDUTL 5469 (669) Understanding Phonics and its Role in Instruction (3 hours)
  • EDUTL 5506 (833) Reading and Writing Braille 1st term (Autumn) at OSU (3 hours)

TVI Coursework

  • EDUTL 5507 (826) Visual Processes 1st term (Autumn) at OSU (3 hours)
  • EDUTL 5525 (747) Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities 2nd Term (Spring) at OSU (3 hours)
  • EDUTL 6530 (925.52) Professional Development in the Field of Visual Impairment 2nd Term (Spring) at OSU (3 hours)
  • EDUTL 7189 Advanced Field Placement 2nd Term (Spring) at OSU (1 hour)
  • EDUTL 5510 (685) Orientation and Mobility for Teachers of Students with Visual Disabilities 3rd Term (Summer) at OSU (2 hours)
  • EDUTL 5508 (835) Modes of Communication and Instructional Materials for Students with Visual Disabilities 3rd Term (Summer) at OSU (1 hour)
  • EDUTL 5191 (885.52) Internship 3rd Term (Summer) at OSU (3 hours)

*Course is an ODE requirement and is typically completed prior to the start of the TVI program. Students may contact T&L Academic Services to request to have their transcripts evaluated prior to admission. T&L Academic Services, in collaboration with the Sensory Impairments Program Manager and faculty, will determine if a candidate’s prior coursework can fulfill the Reading Core requirements.

*Approved Ohio State Reading Electives

  • EDU T&L 2368 Introduction to Children’s Literature
  • EDU T&L 3356 Literature for Adolescents
  • EDU T&L 5225 Reading Multicultural Literature Across Middle Childhood Curricula
  • EDU T&L 5442 Teaching Reading Across the Curriculum
  • EDU T&L 5365* Linguistics for Literacy Education
  • EDU T&L 5453 Critical Literacy in Content Areas Classrooms
  • EDU T&L 5468 Reading Foundations
  • EDU T&L 7101 Drama, Literacy, and Learning
  • EDU T&L 7316 Language Arts in the Early & Middle Childhood Program
  • EDU T&L 7317 Advanced Course in Children’s Literature
  • EDU T&L 7322 Literature Across the Curriculum
  • EDU T&L 7332 Teaching and Research of Poetry in Middle & High School Contexts
  • EDU T&L 7340 Writing in the Early & Middle Grades Classroom
  • EDU T&L 7341 Poetry for Children
  • EDU T&L 7343 Literature for Middle Childhood
  • EDU T&L 7356 Advanced Literature for Adolescents
  • EDU T&L 7360 Reading and Writing Poetry for Educators: Bridges to Literacy & Life
  • EDU T&L 7361 Literature in Early Childhood Education
  • EDU T&L 7364 Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
  • EDU T&L 7365* Applied Linguistics for Teachers of Reading/Language Arts
  • EDU T&L 7370 English Curriculum: Past, Present & Future
  • EDU T&L 7393 Teaching Writing
  • EDU T&L 7418 Synthesizing Research in Reading and Literacy
  • EDU T&L 7421 Guided Survey of Research in Reading


  • 4000-level courses and below are undergraduate-level courses
  • 5000-level courses can be considered undergraduate OR graduate-level courses
  • 6000-level courses and above are graduate-level courses

Total Credits (Minimum of 19)

Program Degree Department Email
Licensure Teaching and Learning


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.