Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (STEM)

Specialization leading to Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning
Program Requirements (9 hours)
Core Courses (9 hours)
- EDUTL 6808 Multicultural & Global Perspectives on T&L (3)
- EDUTL 6050 Multiple Perspectives on T&L (3)
- EDUTL 6053 Balanced Assessment of T&L (3)
Area of Study Required and Elective Courses
Required (3)
- EDUTL 7741 Advanced Study of Learning & Cognition in STEM (3)
Elective (12-14)
- EDUTL 6892 Special Topics in Education (1-4)
- EDUTL 7189 Advanced Field Placement (3)
- EDUTL 7701 Mathematics T&L in Elementary & Middle Schools (3)
- EDUTL 7706 Science & Early Childhood Education (3)
- EDUTL 7711 K-6 Number & Algebra (2)
- EDUTL 7712 K-6 Measurement & Geometry (2)
- EDUTL 7713 K-6 Data Analysis & Probability (2)
- EDUTL 7715 Learning Progressions in Mathematics Education (3)
- EDUTL 7716 Conceptual & Procedural Knowledge in Math Education (3)
- EDUTL 7717 Teaching Mathematics (3)
- EDUTL 7718 Student Learning Processes in Mathematics (3)
- EDUTL 7719 Providing Professional Development in Math Education (2)
- EDUTL 7723 Learning Progressions in Science Education (3)
- EDUTL 7724 Teaching Evolution in Schools (3)
- EDUTL 7725 The Nature of Science & Implications for Science Teaching (3)
- EDUTL 7726 STEM Education in Informal Settings (3)
- EDUTL 7731 Multimedia Tools for STEM Education (3)
- EDUTL 7732 Robotics & Automation for STEM Education (3)
- EDUTL 7744 Problem Solving in STEM (3)
- EDUTL 7745 Classroom Discourse in STEM Learning (3)
- EDUTL 7749 History, Future, & Practical Applications of Concept Inventories in STEM Education (3)
Research Requirement (minimum of 3 hours)
Select ONE of the T&L Research courses below or one that is approved by your faculty advisor (minimum of 3 credit hours)
- EDUTL 6052 Classroom-Based Inquiry (3)
- EDUTL 7010 Diverse Approaches to Research on T&L (3)
Final Examination (1-3)
Students must select either a Thesis or Non-Thesis option and must be registered for at least 3 credit hours the term of graduation.
- EDUTL 7999 Thesis Research (3)
- EDUTL 7193 Independent Study (1-3)
Minimum hours: 30