School Psychology Licensure (EDUCST-ES, WSL)
Department of Educational Studies

Specialization leading to an Education Specialist in Educational Studies
Required Courses (71 hours)
- ESSPED 5650 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3)
- ESQREM 6625 Introduction to Educational Research (3)
- ESQREM 6641 Introduction to Educational Statistics (4)
- ESSPSY 7028 Cultural Diversity (3)
- ESSPSY 7029 Urban Issues in Education (2)
- ESSPSY 7193 Advanced Individual Studies: Cognitive and Academic Achievement (1)
- ESSPSY 7193 Advanced Individual Studies (3)
- ESEPSY 7402 Educational Psychology, Cognition, Learning, and Instruction (3)
- ESSPSY 8056 Roles and Function of the School Psychologists (3)
- ESSPSY 8057 Cognitive and Achievement Assessment (4)
- ESSPSY 8060 Linking Academic Assessment to Intervention (3)
- ESSPSY 8077 Mental Health I: Mental Health Issues in the SchoolsI (2)
- ESSPSY 8078 Mental Health II: Counseling in the Schools(3)
- ESSPSY 8079 Mental Health III: Social Emotional Assessment (3)
- ESSPSY 8080 Biological Basis of Behavior: Neuropsychology in the Schools(3)
- ESSPSY 8082 School Based Consultation: Implementing Behavioral Interventions (4)
- ESSPSY 8097 Psychological Services for Early Childhood Populations(3)
- ESEPSY 8895 Seminar: Social Psychology (3)
- ESSPSY 6189 Field Based Experience in School Psychology (6)
- ESSPSY 8191.01 School Psychology Internship (6)
- ESEADM 8317 Legal Aspects of Special Education Administration (3)
- HDFS 7765 Advanced Child Development (3)
Minimum hours: 71 non‐thesis option