Qualitative Inquiry in Education ESQUAL Embedded Certificate (QIE3B-CR)

Requirements – The certificate requires 12 total credit hours, including one introductory qualitative course, two electives, and one capstone course.
Instructions – Take 4 classes / 12 credit hours from below courses in the order depicted below.
Modalities – All Ohio State classes are held in one of four delivery modes: in-person, hybrid, distance-enhanced, or distance learning. The student guide to instructional modes may be found here.
Introductory Class (Choose one, 3 hours)
- ESQUAL 7230 Qualitative Research for Educators (DL) (3)
- ESQUAL / ESHESA 7256 Designing Qualitative Research in Higher Education Settings (DL or in-person, depending on instructor & year) (3)
- ESQUAL 8280 Qualitative Research in Education: Paradigms, Theories, & Exemplars (in-person) (3)
Embedded Courses (Choose two, 6 hours)
- EDUTL 7431 Ethnography of Literacy and Language I (in person) (4)
- EDUTL 7432 Ethnography of Literacy and Language II (in person) (4)
- EDUTL 8001 Discourse Analysis and Educational Research I (in person) (4)
- EDUTL 8002 Discourse Analysis and Educational Research II (in person) (4)
- EDUTL 8030 Case Study of Teaching and Learning (in person) (3)
- ESQUAL/ESPHE 7240 Life History and Interviewing Methods (DL) (3)
- ESQUAL 8285 Qualitative Data Analysis Methods and Applications (DL) (3)
- ESQUAL/ESPOL 8286 Critical Qualitative Approaches to Policy and Race in Education (in person) (3)
- ESQUAL 8287 Narrative Inquiry in Educational Studies (DL) (3)
- ESQUAL 8288 Intersectionality in Qualitative Research (DL) (3)
- ESQUAL 8289 Digital Tools in Qualitative Research (Hybrid) (3)
Capstone Class (Choose one, 3, hours)
- ESQUAL 8290 Qualitative Research in Education: Methods and Analysis (in person) (3)
- ESQUAL / ESHESA 8526 Advanced Qualitative Inquiry toward Educational Equity and Social Justice* (DL or in person, depending on instructor & year) (3)
*Note: An additional course recommendation for Post-candidacy Certificate Students after the certificate &
candidacy are obtained is EDUTL 8095 - Post-candidacy Qualitative Design & Analysis Seminar. The course is for dissertating students involved in their analysis process and offers a community during an often-isolating time.