Orientation and Mobility Program: Licensure-Only

Department of Teaching and Learning
OSU Oval Seal


  • O&M coursework will be completed at the graduate-level. Students may be enrolled as Graduate Non-Degree Student or complete O&M licensure program as part of the coursework for the MA Program in Sensory Impairments and Inclusion
  • GPA requirement: 3.0 or above in all coursework.
  • All required courses must be taken at The Ohio State University in order to be recommended for licensure.
  • Assessment: 3.0 or above in all coursework. Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP) Exam

Course Requirement


  • EDUTL 5510: Basics of Orientation and Mobility (O&M) (2)
  • EDUTL 6520: O&M Techniques & Methods 1 (2)
  • EDUTL 6521: O&M Techniques & Methods 2 (2)


  • EDUTL 6510: O&M Intermediate Seminar (3)
  • EDUTL 6512: O&M Special Topics Seminar (2)
  • EDUTL 5507: Visual Processes* (3)


  • EDUTL 6511: O&M Advanced Seminar (3)
  • EDUTL 7189: Advanced Field Placement - O&M** (1-3)
  • EDUTL 5191 (885.52) : O&M Internship*** (4)

Total Credits (Minimum of 20) and GPA

*Visual Processes is required for students who have not completed this class, or an equivalent class, as part of pre-requisite work. This will be determined by program faculty upon admission.

**Advanced Field Placement may be taken any semester, up to three (3) times, with approval of program faculty.

***O&M Internship may be taken in SP or SU semester, based on faculty recommendation.

Program Degree Department Email
Licensure Teaching and Learning TL-academicservices@osu.edu


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.