Middle Childhood Education

Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Autumn 2022
General Education Requirements (32-39 Hours)
Bookends (2 Hours)
- Launch Seminar (1)
- Reflection Seminar (1)
Foundations (22-25 Hours)
- Writing & Information Literacy (3)
- Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning or Data Analysis (3-5)
- Literary, Visual & Performing Arts (3)
- Historical & Cultural Studies (3)
- Natural Science (4-5)
- Social & Behavioral Sciences (3)
- Race, Ethnic & Gender Diversity (3)
Thematic Pathways (8-12 Hours)
Take 4-6 hours from Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World and 4-6 hours from another Thematic Pathway of choice.
- Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World
- Choice of 4-6 hours from one additional Thematic Pathway:
- Lived Environments
- Origins & Evolution
- Migration, Mobility, & Immobility
- Sustainability
- Traditions, Cultures, & Transformations
- Health & Wellbeing
- Number, Nature, Mind
College Requirement (1 Hour)
- EHE 1100 College Survey (1)
Pre-Major Requirements (16 Hours)
- EDUCST 2189S First Education Experience Program (FEEP) (3)
- ESEPSY 2309 Psychological Perspectives on Education (3)
- Choose one:
- ESPHE 3206 School and Society (can overlap with GE Race, Ethnicity, & Gender Diversity) (3)
- ESPHE 4280 History of Modern Education (3)
- EDUTL 2189 Field Experience (1)
- EDUTL 5468 Foundations of Reading and Literacy (3)
- Choose one:
- HDFS 2410 Child Development (can overlap with GE Social & Behavioral Sciences) (3)
- EDUTL 3160 Application of Development in Learning Contexts (can overlap with GE Social & Behavioral Sciences) (3)
- ESEPSY 5401 Adolescent Learning and Development in School Contexts (3)
Major Requirements (44 Hours)
B- minimum grade required in all Major Requirements
- EDUTL 5005 Equity, Diversity, and Justice in Education (can overlap with GE Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World) (3)
- EDUTL 5220 Foundations of Middle Childhood Teaching and Learning (3)
- EDUTL 5225 Diverse Literature and Comprehension – Elementary-Middle Education (3)
- EDUTL 5226 Composing Print + Digital Multimodal Texts (3)
- EDUTL 5469 Language & Word Study for All Learners (3)
- Choose one:
- EDUTL 5501 Inclusion: Philosophical, Social, and Practice Issues: General Student Body (3)
- ESSPED 2251 Introduction to the Special Education Profession (3)
- ESQREM 3005 Learner Centered Assessment (3)
- Methods Courses: Take the TWO Methods courses associated with content area choices (3+3)
- EDUTL 5230 Language Arts Methods for Preservice Middle Childhood Teachers
- EDUTL 5270 Mathematics Methods for Preservice Middle Childhood Teachers
- EDUTL 5275 Science Methods for Preservice Middle Childhood Teachers
- EDUTL 5280 Social Studies Methods for Preservice Middle Childhood Teachers
- EDUTL 3189.02 Field Experience: Middle Childhood Education (1)
- EDUTL 4189.02 Advanced Field Experience: Middle Childhood Education (2)
- EDUTL 5195.02 Reflective Seminar: Middle Childhood Education (1+1+2)
- EDUTL 5191.02 Supervised Student Teaching Internship: Middle Childhood Education (10)
Content Requirements (35-44 Hours)
Each student must choose TWO concentrations/content areas from below. All content courses should be completed prior to Major Requirements. 2.75 GPA required in each concentration/content area.
Integrated Language Arts (21)
- EDUTL 3356 Literature for Adolescents (3)
- ENGLISH 3271 Structure of the English Language (3)
- American Literature: Choose one course (3):
- ENGLISH 2290 Colonial and U.S. Literature to 1865
- ENGLISH 2291 U.S. Literature: 1865 to Present
- ENGLISH 4550 Special Topics in Colonial and Early National Literature of the U.S.
- ENGLISH 4551 Special Topics in 19th-Century U.S. Literature
- ENGLISH 4553 20th-Century U.S. Fiction
- World Literature: Choose one course (3):
- AFAMAST 2251 Introduction to African Literature
- CLAS 2220 Classical Mythology
- COMPSTD 2101 Literature and Society
- COMPSTD 2301 Introduction to World Literature
- FRENCH 1801 Masterpieces of the French-Speaking World
- RUSSIAN 2250.01 Masterpieces of Russian Literature
- Oral Communication: Choose one course (3):
- AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
- COMM 2110 Principles of Effective Public Speaking
- COMM 2367 Persuasive Communication
- EDUTL 5101 Teaching and Learning with Drama: Introduction
- Written Communication: Choose one course (3):
- Any course numbered 2367
- ENGLISH 3398 Methods for the Study of Literature
- ENGLISH 3467S Issues and Methods in Tutoring Writing
- Media Studies: Choose one course (3):
- COMM 1100 Communication in Society
- COMM 2540 Introduction to Communication Technology
- COMPSTD 3607 Film and Literature as Narrative Art
- ENGLISH 2263 Introduction to Film
- ENGLISH 2269 Digital Media Composing
- ENGLISH 3378 Special Topics in Film and Literature
- WGSST 2317 Gender at the Movies: Hollywood and Beyond
Mathematics (16-23)
- Choose one:
- Math Placement L
- MATH 1148 College Algebra (4) and MATH 1149 Trigonometry (3)
- MATH 1150 Precalculus (5)
- Choose one:
- STAT 1350.xx Elementary Statistics (3)
- STAT 1450.xx Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (3)
- Choose ONE Math sequence below: (13)
- MATH 1165 Math for Middle School Teachers I (5), MATH 1166 Math for Middle School Teachers II (5), MATH 2138 Calculus and its History for Teachers (3)
- MATH 1135 Number and Operations for Teachers (5), MATH 1136 Measurement and Geometry for Teachers (5), MATH 2138 Calculus and its History for Teachers (3)
Science (19-21)
- Choose one:
- BIOLOGY 1101 Introductory Biology (4)
- BIOLOGY 1113.01 Biological Sciences: Energy Transfer and Development (4)
- Choose one:
- BIOLOGY 1102 Human Biology (4)
- BIOLOGY 1114.01 Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology (4)
- Choose one:
- CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry (5)
- CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I (5)
- Choose one:
- PHYSICS 1106.01 Physics by Inquiry: Properties of Matter, Heat and Temperature, and Forces and Motion (5)
- PHYSICS 1104 World of Energy: Light, Thermodynamics, Energy Sources (3)
- EARTHSC 1121 The Dynamic Earth (3)
Social Studies (21)
- ANTHROP 2202 An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
- Choose one:
- ECON 2001.01 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
- ECON 2002.01 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
- Choose one:
- GEOG 2400 Economic and Social Geography (3)
- GEOG 2750 World Regional Geography (3)
- Choose one:
- HISTORY 1151 American History to 1877 (3)
- HISTORY 2001 Launching America (3)
- Choose one:
- HISTORY 1681 World History to 1500 (3)
- HISTORY 2641 Global History to 1500 (3)
- HISTORY 2651 World History before the Modern Age (3)
- Choose one:
- HISTORY 1682 World History from 1500 to Present (recommended) (3)
- HISTORY 2642 Global History 1500 to Present (recommended) (3)
- HISTORY 2650 The World since 1914 (3)
- Choose one:
- POLITSC 1200 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
- POLITSC 1165 Introduction to Politics (3)
- POLITSC 2400 Introduction to Political Theory (3)
Successful completion of the Ohio Assessment for Educators examinations is required prior to student teaching. Cumulative GPA of 2.75 and 2.75 content GPA required to be recommended for state of Ohio teacher licensure.
Total Hours: 106-145
Free Electives to reach 120 Hours: 0-14
Minimum of 120 credit hours required for degree completion. Total Hours range is based on requirement course choices and/or the number of credits that overlap between requirement areas. Students are encouraged to overlap as many credits as possible.