Master’s Degree + School Principal Licensure
Licensure Curriculum

Graduate Degree combined with Licensure Program in Educational Administration
Licensure Requirements (36 hours)
Foundations Requirement (3 hours)
ESEADM 7359 Leadership, Inquiry, and Ethics (3)
Multicultural and Human Diversity Requirement (3 hours)
- ESEADM 6360 School Community Relations and Politics (3)
Research Requirement (3 hours)
Consult with your advisor for the most appropriate selection.
- ESEADM 6374 Database Decision Making for School Leaders (3)
- Or a basic measurement course adapted to the needs of school leaders.
Required Courses (24 hours)
- ESEADM 6189 Planned Field Experience and Portfolio Development (3)*
- ESEADM 6350 Introduction to Educational Administration (3)
- ESEADM 6356 Legal Aspects of School Administration (3)
- ESEADM 6362 Strategic Human Capital Management for P-12 Administration (3)
- ESEADM 6366 School Finance and Business Administration (3)
- ESEADM 7356 Instructional Leadership and Supervision (3)
- ESEADM 8317 Legal Aspects of Special Education Administration (3)
- ESEADM 8375 Culturally Responsive School Leadership (3)
*Students should complete the assessment(s) in this course that applies to their licensure grades:
- ESEADM 6189.01 Field Experience: PK-6 principal licensure
- ESEADM 6189.02 Field Experience: 4-9 principal licensure
- ESEADM 6189.03 Field Experience: 5-12 principal licensure
Candidates who wish to obtain two grade bands must complete a minimum of 280 field experience hours under the supervision of two different site supervisors for each grade band level. Candidates who wish to obtain three grade bands must complete a minimum of 330 field experience hours with three different site supervisors for each grade band level. Students must take a minimum of 36 hours to be eligible for the Master’s degree and administrative license.
Elective Courses (choose one, 3 hours)
- ESEADM 6372 Educational Technology Leadership and Administration (3)
- ESEADM 7350 School Improvement for Educational Leaders (3)
- ESEADM 7354 Educational Leadership, Organizational Dynamics, and School Culture (3)
- ESEADM 7368 Educational Facility Planning (3)
- ESEADM 8202 Positive Psychology and Educational Administration* (3)
- *Preferred Principal Licensure Elective
- ESEADM 8310 Educational Change (3)
- ESEADM 8421 Leading Professional Learning for Educators (3)
- *Preferred Teacher Leader Endorsement Elective
- ESEPOL 8312 Governance and Control in American Education (3)
- ESLTECH 7392 Theories of Learning with Technology (3)
Minimum hours: 36