Master’s Degree + School Principal Licensure

Department of Educational Studies
Licensure Curriculum
OSU Oval Seal

Graduate Degree combined with Licensure Program in Educational Administration

Licensure Requirements (36 hours)

Foundations Requirement (3 hours)

  • ESEADM 7359 Leadership, Inquiry, and Ethics (3)

Multicultural and Human Diversity Requirement (3 hours)

  • ESEADM 6360 School Community Relations and Politics (3)

Research Requirement (3 hours)

Consult with your advisor for the most appropriate selection.

  • ESEADM 6374 Database Decision Making for School Leaders (3)
  • Or a basic measurement course adapted to the needs of school leaders.

Required Courses (24 hours)

  • ESEADM 6189 Planned Field Experience and Portfolio Development (3)*
  • ESEADM 6350 Introduction to Educational Administration (3)
  • ESEADM 6356 Legal Aspects of School Administration (3)
  • ESEADM 6362 Strategic Human Capital Management for P-12 Administration (3)
  • ESEADM 6366 School Finance and Business Administration (3)
  • ESEADM 7356 Instructional Leadership and Supervision (3)
  • ESEADM 8317 Legal Aspects of Special Education Administration (3)
  • ESEADM 8375 Culturally Responsive School Leadership (3)

*Students should complete the assessment(s) in this course that applies to their licensure grades:

  • ESEADM 6189.01 Field Experience: PK-6 principal licensure
  • ESEADM 6189.02 Field Experience: 4-9 principal licensure
  • ESEADM 6189.03 Field Experience: 5-12 principal licensure

Candidates who wish to obtain two grade bands must complete a minimum of 280 field experience hours under the supervision of two different site supervisors for each grade band level. Candidates who wish to obtain three grade bands must complete a minimum of 330 field experience hours with three different site supervisors for each grade band level. Students must take a minimum of 36 hours to be eligible for the Master’s degree and administrative license.

Elective Courses (choose one, 3 hours)

  • ESEADM 6372 Educational Technology Leadership and Administration (3)
  • ESEADM 7350 School Improvement for Educational Leaders (3)
  • ESEADM 7354 Educational Leadership, Organizational Dynamics, and School Culture (3)
  • ESEADM 7368 Educational Facility Planning (3)
  • ESEADM 8202 Positive Psychology and Educational Administration* (3) 
    • *Preferred Principal Licensure Elective
  • ESEADM 8310 Educational Change (3)
  • ESEADM 8421 Leading Professional Learning for Educators (3)
    • *Preferred Teacher Leader Endorsement Elective
  • ESEPOL 8312 Governance and Control in American Education (3)
  • ESLTECH 7392 Theories of Learning with Technology (3)

Minimum hours: 36

Program Degree Department Email
Licensure Educational Studies
Licensure Educational Studies


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.