Learning Technologies (EDUCST-PH, LTN)

Specialization leading to Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Summer 2023
Program Requirements (15 hours)
Common Core (6 hours)
Core 1 Course (3 hours)
- EDUCST 6891 Proseminar in Educational Studies (3)
Core 2 Course: Choose from one of the following courses (3 hours)
- EDUCST 6892 Educational Policy and Inequality in Social and Cultural Context: Integrating Research Traditions (3)
- EDUCST 7765 Grant Writing (3)
- ESEPOL 7100 Writing for Educational Policy Audiences (3)
- ESEPSY 7404 College Teaching (3)
- ESEPSY 8404 Academic Writing in Education: Reviewing the Literature (3)
- ESPHE 6403 Ethics and the Professional Context of Teaching (3)
Research Core (choose three, 9 hours)
Students will select 9 hours from the following list of course sequences. Students will select one sequence, plus an additional course that reflects their research interests. This coursework will be selected by the student in consultation with the advisor, and is subject to the rules of the Graduate Studies Committee.
ANOVA Sequence:
- ESQREM 7648 GLM I: Introduction to Regression and ANOVA (4)
- ESQREM 8648 Multivariate Analysis (3)
- One more research course (3)
Regression Sequence:
- ESQREM 7651 Regression Analysis (4)
- ESQREM 8658 Applied Multilevel Data Analysis (3)
- One more research course (3)
Qualitative Sequence:
- ESQUAL 8280 Qualitative Research in Education: Paradigms, Theories, and Exemplars (3)
- ESQUAL 8290 Qualitative Research in Education: Methods and Analysis (3)
- One more research course (3)
Classroom Discourse Sequence:
- ESQUAL 8210 Qualitative Research: The Analysis of Interaction in Educational Settings (3)
- ESQUAL 8211 Analysis of Classroom Discourse (3)
- One more research course (3)
Specialized Sequence:
Students, in consultation with their advisors, may design their own methodology sequence. This is particularly suited to humanistic scholarship in education (e.g., history or philosophy of education). To complete a specialized sequence, students must take three methodology courses relevant to their research interests. Specialized research plans are approved by the Graduate Studies Committee.
Specialization Requirements (21 hours)
Required Courses (12 hours)
- ESLTECH 6223 Issues and Practices in Educational Technology (3)
- ESLTECH 7392 Theories of Learning with Technology (3)
- ESLTECH 8216 Scholarly Perspectives in Learning Technologies (3)
- ESLTECH 8226 Methods of Inquiry in Learning Technologies (3)
Elective Courses (choose three, 9 hours)
Students may be asked by their advisor to take more specialty courses. This will be arranged with their advisor. Specialty classes may include:
- ESEADM 6372 Educational Technology Leadership and Administration (3)
- ESEPOL 7224 Educational Policy Analysis in Contemporary Culture (3)
- ESEPSY 8402 Classroom Research on Student Motivation (3)
- ESEPSY 8406 Self-Regulated Learning (3)
- ESLTECH 6278 Introduction to Instructional Design (3)
- ESLTECH 6282 Introduction to Teaching Online for K-12 Educators (3)
- ESLTECH 7229 Technology, Society, and Schools (3)
- ESLTECH 7277 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (3)
- ESLTECH 7278 Formative Evaluation of Learning Technologies (3)
- ESLTECH 7297 Designing Multimedia for Instruction (3)
- ESLTECH 8295 Applied Instructional Design (3)
- ESLTECH 8296 Learning Technologies Diffusion, Innovation, and Change (3)
- ESPHE 7415 Philosophical Foundations of Educational Technology (3)
- ESWDE 7701 Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of the Virtual Classroom (3)
Research Apprenticeship (9 hours)
Consult with faculty advisor
- EDUCST 8191 Research Apprenticeship: Educational Studies (1-12)
Dissertation Requirement (minimum 6 hours)
- ESLTECH 8999 Dissertation Research
Minimum hours post-MA/MS: 51