Integrated Language Arts/English Education

Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Autumn 2022
General Education Requirements (32-39 Hours)
Bookends (2 Hours)
- Launch Seminar (1)
- Reflection Seminar (1)
Foundations (22-25 Hours)
- Writing & Information Literacy (3)
- Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning or Data Analysis (3-5)
- Literary, Visual & Performing Arts (3)
- Historical & Cultural Studies (3)
- Natural Science (4-5)
- Social & Behavioral Sciences (3)
- Race, Ethnic & Gender Diversity (3)
Thematic Pathways (8-12 Hours)
Take 4-6 hours from Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World and 4-6 hours from another Thematic Pathway of choice.
- Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World
- Choice of 4-6 hours from one additional Thematic Pathway:
- Lived Environments
- Origins & Evolution
- Migration, Mobility, & Immobility
- Sustainability
- Traditions, Cultures, & Transformations
- Health & Wellbeing
- Number, Nature, Mind
College Requirement (1 Hour)
- EHE 1100 College Survey (1)
Pre-Major Requirements (10 Hours)
- EDUCST 2189S First Education Experience Program (FEEP) (3)
- ESPHE 3206 School and Society (can overlap with GE Race, Ethnicity, & Gender Diversity) (3)
- EDUTL 2189 Field Experience (1)
- ENGLISH 3398 Methods for the Study of Literature (3)
Content Requirements (39 Hours)
Must maintain a minimum 2.75 GPA in Content Requirements
- ENGLISH 3271 Structure of the English Language (can overlap with GE Historical & Cultural Studies) (3)
- ENGLISH 2269 Digital Media Composing (can overlap with Literary, Visual, & Performing Arts) (3)
- Choose one (either can overlap with GE Writing & Information Literacy):
- EDUTL 2367 Education, Society and Writing (3)
- ENGLISH 2367.xx (3)
- ENGLISH 4572 English Grammar and Usage (3)
- EDUTL 3356 Literature for Adolescents (3)
- EDUTL 3368 Black Voices Matter: Resisting Anti-Blackness via Black Youth Literature and Media (3)
American Literature
Choose ONE course:
- ENGLISH 2290 Colonial and U.S. Literature to 1865
- ENGLISH 2291 U.S. Literature: 1865 to Present
- ENGLISH 4550 Spec Topics in Colonial & Early Nat’l Lit of the U.S.
- ENGLISH 4551 Spec Topics in 19th-Century U.S. Literature
- ENGLISH 4553 20th-Century U.S. Fiction
- ENGLISH 4564.03 Major Author in American Literature to 1900
British Literature
Choose ONE course:
- ENGLISH 2201 Selected Works of Brit Lit: Medieval through 1800
- ENGLISH 2202 Selected Works of Brit Lit: 1800 to Present
- ENGLISH 4514 Middle English Literature
- ENGLISH 4515 Chaucer
- ENGLISH 4521 Renaissance Drama
- ENGLISH 4522 Renaissance Poetry
- ENGLISH 4523 Special Topics in Renaissance Literature & Culture
- ENGLISH 4533 The Early British Novel: Origins to 1830
- ENGLISH 4535 Spec Topics in Restoration & 18th C. Brit Lit & Cult
- ENGLISH 4540 Nineteenth-Century British Poetry
- ENGLISH 4542 The Nineteenth-Century British Novel
- ENGLISH 4543 20th-Century British Fiction
- ENGLISH 4564.01 Major Author in Med & Renaissance Brit Lit
- ENGLISH 4564.02 Major Author in 18th- and 19th-C. Brit Lit
Film Studies
Choose ONE course:
- ENGLISH 2263 Introduction to Film
- ENGLISH 3378 Special Topics in Film and Literature
- ENGLISH 4578 Special Topics in Film
- WGSST 2317 Gender at the Movies: Hollywood and Beyond
- WGSST 4527.01 Studies in Gender and Cinema
- YIDDISH 3399 The Holocaust in Yiddish Writing and Film
Non-Western World Literature
Choose ONE course:
- AFAMAST 2251 Introduction to African Literature
- AFAMAST 4584H Literature and Modern Experience in Africa
- ARABIC 2701 Classical and Medieval Arabic Literature in Translation
- ARABIC 2702 Gender and Citizenship in Modern Arabic Literature
- ARABIC 5702 Arabic Folk Narrative in Translation
- CHINESE 2451 Chinese Literature in Translation
- CHINESE 4402 Traditional Chinese Fiction in Translation
- CHINESE 4403 Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
- COMPSTD 2301 Intro to World Literature
- COMPSTD 3603 Love in World Literature
- COMPSTD 3604 Women in East Asian and Asian American Lit
- *ENGLISH 4583 Special Topics in World Literature in English
- HEBREW/JEWSHST 2700 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
- HEBREW/JEWSHST 2701 Medieval Hebrew Literature in Translation
- HEBREW/JEWSHST 2702 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
- ISLAM 4626 Introduction to the Arabic Qur’an
- ISLAM 5701 The Qur’an in Translation
- JAPANSE 2451 Japanese Literature in Translation
- JAPANSE 2452 Modern Japanese Literature in Translation
*Note: Courses must be Non-Western focused. Check with individual instructors about content before assuming it will count for these competencies.
Women’s Literature
Choose ONE course:
- AFAMAST 2367.04 Black Women Writers: Text and Context
- ENGLISH 4592 Special Topics in Women in Literature and Culture
- COMPSTD 3604 Women in East Asian and Asian American Lit
- WGSST 2215 Reading Women Writers
- WGSST 4540 Women of Color: Art, Literature and Culture
U.S. Minority Literature
Choose ONE course:
- AFAMAST 2281 Introduction to African-American Literature
- AFAMAST 2367.01 African-American Voices U.S. Literature
- COMPSTD 4803 Studies in Asian American Literature and Culture
- COMPSTD 4804 Studies in Latino Literature and Culture
- ENGLISH 4580 Special Topics in LGBTQ Literatures and Cultures
- ENGLISH 4581 Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures
- ENGLISH 4582 Special Topics in African-American Literature
- ENGLISH 4586 Studies in American Indian Literature and Culture
- ENGLISH 4587 Studies in Asian American Literature and Culture
- ENGLISH 4588 Studies in Latino/a Literature and Culture
Shakespeare Literature
Choose ONE course:
- ENGLISH 2220 Introduction to Shakespeare
- ENGLISH 4520.01 Shakespeare
- ENGLISH 4520.02 Special Topics in Shakespeare
Major Requirements(41 Hours)
- ESEPSY 2309 Psychological Perspectives on Education (3)
- EDUTL 5501 Inclusion: Philosophical, Social, and Practice Issues: General Student Body (3)
- Choose one:
- ESEPSY 5401 Adolescent Learning and Development in School Contexts (3)
- HDFS 2420 Adolescence and Emerging Adult Development (3)
- EDUTL 5442 Teaching Reading Across the Curriculum (3)
- EDUTL 5005 Equity, Diversity, and Justice in Education (can overlap with GE Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World) (3)
- EDUTL 5341 Journalism and New Media in the 7-12 Classroom (3)
- EDUTL 5345 Teacher Inquiry& Methods: Writing (3)
- EDUTL 5346 Teacher Inquiry& Methods: Literature (3)
- EDUTL 3189.03 Field Experience: English Language Education (1)
- EDUTL 4189.03 Advanced Field Experience: English Language Arts Education (2)
- EDUTL 5195.03 Reflective Seminar: English Language Education (1+1+2)
- EDUTL 5191.03 Supervised Student Teaching Internship: English Language Education (1)
Successful completion of the Ohio Assessment for Educators examinations is required prior to student teaching. To be recommended for state of Ohio teacher licensure, must maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA, 2.75 content GPA, and earn a B- or higher grade in student teaching.
Total Hours: 110-130
Free Electives to reach 120 Hours: 0-10
Minimum of 120 credit hours required for degree completion. Total Hours range is based on requirement course choices and/or the number of credits that overlap between requirement areas. Students are encouraged to overlap as many credits as possible.