Human Development and Family Science (HDFS-MN)

Department of Human Sciences
OSU Oval Seal

The minor in human development and family science consists of 12 credit hours. The department focuses on issues related to normal human development across the lifespan and views the family as the primary context in which development occurs. A primary objective is to increase knowledge and understanding of human and family development and the impact of developmental and social factors on the overall being of individuals and families.

Part A – Complete one course: (3 credits)

  • HDFS 3200 Foundations of Family Science

Part B – Complete one course from: (3 credits)

  • HDFS 2400 Life Span Human Development
  • HDFS 2410 Child Development
  • HDFS 2420 Adolescence and Emerging Adult Development

Part C: (6 credits)

  • Choose 6 additional credit hours from HDFS courses
  • At least 3 credit hours from Part C choices must be at the 3000-level or above
  • Can use one course from HDFS 2400, 2410, or 2420 (whichever was not used in Part B)
  • Students should note course pre-requisites before planning which Part C courses to choose

Human Development and Family Science minor program guidelines

Credit hours required: A minimum of 12 credit hours. 1000 level courses shall not be counted in the minor. At least 6 credit hrs must be upper-level courses as defined by the College of Education and Human Ecology (3000 level or higher).

Transfer and EM credit hours allowed: A student is permitted to overlap up to 6 credit hours between the GE and the minor.

Overlap with the GE: A student is permitted to overlap up to 6 credit hours between the GE and the minor.

Overlap with the major and additional minor(s):

  • The minor must be in a different subject than the major.
  • The minor must contain a minimum of 12 hours distinct from the major and/or additional minor(s).

Grades required:

  • Minimum C- for a course to be listed on the minor.
  • Minimum 2.00 GPA required for the minor.
  • Course work graded Pass/Non-Pass cannot count on the minor.
  • No more than 3 credit hours of course work graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory may count toward the minor.

X193 credits: No more than 3 credit hours

Minor Approval: Minor program approval is not required as long as there is no variation from the minor program sheet. Any variation from the minor as indicated must be approved by the EHE Office of Undergraduate Education located in A100 PAES Building (614-292-9261).

A student’s primary advisor can add the minor with the program code at the top of this sheet.

Filing the minor program form: The minor program form must be filed with the student’s college/school at least by the time the graduation application is submitted to a college/school advisor.

Changing the minor: Once the minor program form is filed in the college office, any changes must be approved by the academic unit offering the minor.

Program Degree Department Email
Undergraduate Minor Human Sciences


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.