M.A. Program Specializing in Educational Policy

Required Foundations Course (choose one, 3 hours)
- ESPHE 6250 History of Education (3)
- ESPHE 6410 Philosophy of Education (3)
Required Multicultural and Human Diversity Course (choose one, 3 hours)
- ESEPOL 5217 Comparative Education (3)
- ESPHE 8201 Social Foundations of Education (3)
- ESCFE 8209 Cultural Processes in Education (3)
Required Research Course (6 credit hours)
- ESEPOL 7225 Educational Policy Inquiry (3)
- Additional research course approved by your advisor
Specialization Requirements (15 credit hours)
- ESEPOL 6000 Introduction to Educational Policy (3)
- ESPHE 7222 History of Educational Policy (3)
- ESEPOL 7224 Educational Policy Analysis in Contemporary Culture (3)
- ESEPOL 7100 Writing for Educational Policy Audiences (3)
- ESEPOL 8312 Politics and Political Leadership in American Education (3)
Elective Requirements (minimum 3 hours)
- ESEPOL 8352 Educational Policy in Democratic Society (3)
- ESPHE 8410 Ethics and Education: Equality, Freedom and Justice in Schools (3)
- ESHESA 7568 Higher Education and Public Policy (3)
- ESHESA 7569 Higher Education Governance and Policy Analysis (3)
- ESLTECH 6223 Issues and Practices in Educational Technology (3)
- ESTEPL 8421 Inquiry into Teacher Education (3)
Students who intend on pursuing policy work after completion of their degree will complete a minimum of 3 hours of practicum for their elective course.
- ESEPOL 8193 Independent Study for Policy Practicum
Students writing a thesis will complete a minimum of 3 semester hours with a member of their committee to reflect their research and writing of the thesis.
Thesis Preparation (minimum 3 semester hours)
- EDUCST 7999 Thesis Research: Educational Studies
Guidelines for Formatting Theses, Dissertations and D.M.A. Documents: https://gradsch.osu.edu/current-students/dissertations-and-theses/document-preparation.
Graduation Review
Application to Graduate: http://gradforms.osu.edu
Master’s Student Procedures – Final Semester: https://gradsch.osu.edu/current-students/final-semester
For more information about courses, please go to www.buckeyelink.osu.edu and click on Schedule of Classes.
Non-thesis minimum of 30 credit hours;
Thesis minimum of 33 credit hours