Coaching Education Minor (COACHED-MN)

OSU Oval Seal

There is a significant need for qualified coaches for children and youth sports programs. The Institute for the Study of Youth Sports estimates that 40 million youth participate in sports annually. Over 4 million adults serve as volunteer coaches. It is not unusual for schools, community agencies, and religious groups to seek competent persons to coach their children. All of these organizations need assistance with the administration of their sport programs.

Thus, there is the need to develop competent coaches and administrators of these sports programs. Many students across campus express interest in coaching and coaching classes, and many students do coach while in college; however, they have little exposure to coaching education. Too often these “coaches” continue coaching patterns that are uninformed by advances in knowledge about quality coaching practices. They are also uninformed about the developmental and educational needs of those being coached.

The coaching minor is comprised of core courses and electives. Students who choose the minor focus on the coaching and administration of youth and adolescent sports and are exposed to the knowledge and content needed to coach or organize an effective sports program. The minor emphasizes theories and basics of coaching and administration of youth and adolescent sport programs. The minor requires 18 credit hours.

No variations in the program are allowed.

Students preparing for a career in coaching are strongly encouraged to obtain CPR and First Aid Certification.

Core Courses (15 credits)

  • KNPE 2201 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (3)  
  • KNPE 2262 Coaching the Young Athlete (3)
  • KNPE 5643 Coaching Effectiveness (3)
  • KNPE 4191 Sports Coaching and Recreation Internship (3)
  • KNPE 5521 Skill Analysis (3)

Elective Courses (select one, 3 credits)

  • HTHRHSC 5550 Survey of Sports Medicine (3)
  • KNSISM 4245 Leadership and Programming in Sports Industry (3)
  • KNSISM 4509 Sport Marketing and Promotion (3)
  • KNPE 2542 Lifespan Motor Development (3)
  • KNSISM 4607 Legal Aspects of Sport (3)
  • KNPE 5657 Sport and Disability (3)

Coaching Education minor program guidelines

Credit hours required: A minimum of 18 credit hours. 1000- level courses shall not be counted in the minor. At least 6 credit hrs must be upper-level courses as defined by the College of Education and Human Ecology (3000 level or higher).

Transfer and EM credit hours allowed: A student is permitted to count up to 6 total hours of transfer credit and/or credit by examination toward the minor.

Overlap with the GE: A student is permitted to overlap up to 6 credit hours between the GE and the minor.

Overlap with the major and additional minor(s)

  • The minor must be in a different subject than the major.
  • The minor must contain a minimum of 12 hours distinct from the major and/or additional minor(s).

Grades required:

  • Minimum C- for a course to be listed on the minor.
  • Minimum 2.00 GPA required for the minor.
  • Course work graded Pass/Non-Pass cannot count on the minor.
  • No more than 3 credit hours of coursework graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory may count toward the minor.

X193 credits: No more than 3 credit hours.

Minor approval: Minor program approval is not required, as long as there is no variation from the minor program sheet. Any variations from the minor as indicated must be approved by the EHE Office of Undergraduate Education located in A100 PAES Building (614-292-9261). A student’s primary advisor can add the minor with the program code at the top of this sheet.

A student’s primary advisor can add the minor with the program code at the top of this sheet.

Filing the minor program form: The minor program form must be filed at least by the time the graduation application is submitted to a college/school advisor.

Changing the minor: Once the minor program is filed in the college office, any changes must be approved by the academic unit offering the minor.

Program Degree Department Email
Undergraduate Minor Human Sciences


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.